Hey Fellas
I am designing a program for my self - 4 day split.
Day 1:
Cleans (from hanging position)
DeadLift (variations)
Chins - Lat Pull - Vertical Pull
Leg Curl - Knee Felxion
horizontal Pull - Row Variations
Bicep Isolation - Curl variation (lean towards hammer and reverse curls)
Trap Isolation ( shrugs - i like farmers walks)
Rear Delt Isolation
Day 2:
Clean and Press (full motion taking weight from floor)
Squats ( variations )
Horizintal Push variation ( barbell)
Unilateral movement ( step ups mostly to work on firing glutes but lunges and split squats occasionally)
Vertical Push ( military press, shoulde press variations)
Tricep Extension Variations
Chest Isolations / Second Horizontal Push
Lateral Raise variations
Day 3 and 4
FOLLOW same Guidelines with slight variation for example if monday i do day 2 nd friday i do day 2 again, monday would include back squats, friday front squats, monday flat barbell bench and a chest flye, friday incline barbell bench and decline dumbell bench. However i wont change excercises weekly i’ll follow the same excercise for a good 3 - 4 weeks.
MY BIG QUESTIONS - Can I incorperate these cleans and any toher olympic lifts in my program becaus ei reallly like them and they help me build my shoulder and traps.
would you put the pushes and pulls together or keep it like i have it
shold i take the days in between training completely off - i tend to like to do some light cardio - core stabiltiy and mobility stuff on off days taking only saturday completely off …
lastly any other tweaking is much appreciated thanks!
— for reference i am 5’10 200 lbs at the moment
squat is at about 275 for 4 -6 reps my max was around 450 as 450 but i needed to cut down to fix my form and learn to uses my glutes more because of anterior hip pain. my deadlift is 405, bench in the 285 - 300 range. I am at about 14 percent body fat at age 22
I feel my body responds best when i keep all lift including isolated single joint excercises to a 6 - 8 rep range maybe even 3 - 5 but i want size gians with the strength -
I am a Former Fat Boy my diet is solid i am using precision nutrition approach leaning away from carbs other than veggies and a little fruit only only taking Surge during workout and a single serving starchy carb in my meal directly following a workout - i am supplementing with fish oil, L-Luecine at 3 meals a day