Including Bodyweight Exercises in Best Damn Workout?

Hi CT, i am actually doing the best damn program and i am feeling amazing , recovery is on point and energy never been higher so i decided that i want to include some calisthenics to master a few hardcore moves like muscle ups and one arm push ups. am currently hitting the front lever progression so i was wondering what is the best way to implent a front ever routine into my schedule without interfering with recovery like should i do a separate 10 to 15 minte session or should i do it right at the begining of my session.

Iā€™m not a bodyweight training expert so I canā€™t really help you with an actual progression. However the front lever progression as well as the muscle-up progression are neurologically demanding and can interfere with the BDW, which is based on minimizing the work load to optimize recovery.

You can try adding 15 minutes of practice time 3x per week to see how your body responds to it. But at the slightest sign of recovery issues you will need to have the discipline to stop.

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