Incline Ideas/Suggestions

Im looking to build more of an upper chest so i want to include some incline work in my routine, but i dont have access to an incline bench. I train at a CF gym, and we have dumbells but all we have is a flat bench. Are there any other exercises i can try that target the upper chest? Ive thought of ways to rig up something to mimic an incline bench, but havent come up with anything.

Just set one side up on a box or something and lean against it…

Elevate your feet and do push-ups, or weighted push-ups…

Focus more on OHP…

Except limitations of current gym and work around that or switch gyms…

In addition to what 1Man said, putting one or two 45s under a bench would be fine for low incline work. If you’ve got a Swiss ball, you can hit an incline angle on that too.

You could also try 1-arm flat dumbbell presses, using the fingertips of your free hand to feel the working pec’s contraction. It’ll still “just” be a flat press, but the increased activation (because of the touch training) should help overall pec stimulus.

1 Man, ive started doing feet elevated pushups with weight on my back for the last 2 weeks and seem to be doing well. I also get a good bit of OH work between pressing and conditioning workouts.

Chris, ill try the plates under the bench or even a small dumbell. Ill just have to work the legs harder to hold myself up while im pressing i guess.

reverse grip bench

thanks Badger, i havent reverse benched in years. When you do them the bar has to come a good bit lower on your chest right? More towards the bottom of your rib cage.