Some background info. I have been lifting weights since middle school, and I am 17 now. 6’1" 180 pounds at 5-8% bodyfat(see my avatar). I play football and lacrosse for my high school teams. During the in-season, the lifting is minimal and I mainly focus on the sport. The off season is when I really take the lifting seriously and try to bulk up. I love lifting weights.
Anyway, I have attempted to “bulk up” over the 3-4 month off seasons a number of times now, I believe this is my 5th time. I usually manage to gain 2-5 solid pounds of muscle over this 3-4 month period and the weight stays with me. There is never any fat gain despite having a dirty diet and eating everything I can. This however is not good enough. In 3-4 months, I should be able to gain 12-16 pounds(1 LB per week).
Here is the frustrating part. When I play a sport, I can easily knock down 4,000 to 5,000 calories per day. My appetite is absolutely ravenous. However, when I stop the sport and actually start lifting weights to begin my bulk, my appetite suddenly drops down to that of a small school girl.
For example, my lacrosse season ended 5 weeks ago so therefore I am on my 5th week of my bulk. In the first week Id say I managed to eat 4,000(my goal) calories per day most of the time. Then for the next four weeks I struggled to get around 3,500 in. Yesterday, things got worse. I tracked my calories strictly and I could only get in 3,000 calories.
This morning things got even worse. I had 4 eggs with salsa, a kiwi, an a big bottle of Powerade. I was able to eat the 4 eggs with ease just yesterday. Today I could only eat 3 of them, but I finished the kiwi and the bottle of Powerade. This was simple 650 calorie meal but I greatly struggled to eat it. After this breakfast I go over to my girlfriends house and I notice that I don’t feel too good. I am nauseous and my stomach doesn’t feel good. I had to excuse myself and I ended up throwing up, because I couldnt even keep down a small 650 calorie meal.
This happens every time I try to bulk. After about a month my body just starts rejecting food. I begin to not even be able to eat 500 calorie meals. Its frustrating because I KNOW I simply have to ‘eat more’ in order to gain weight, but how am I supposed to do that if I get nauseous and throw up when I try to eat big consistently?
I utilize all of the basic tips: eat calorie dense foods, make high calorie shakes in the blender, eat pizzas, burgers, ice cream etc.
Has anyone else experienced this? What have you done? Im starting to think that I need an appetite stimulant supplement. Unfortunately, they seem to be hard to come by. AAS is out of the question for me, and I dont wanna smoke weed everyday to get the munchies. Apparently there is an antihistamine called Periactin that increases hunger but you need a prescription for it. I think that might be my best bet at this point.