December 2024- Hello all, I have never posted to T Nation before but I felt that I had to share my tip, or discovery, with everyone. I am 49 years young and pretty tall at about 6 feet 4 inches. I have been training for a long time and have always been natural. My deadlift at its best was around 605 lbs…not too bad all things considered. I guess too, it is worth mentioning that I pull conventional.
In my case, between being taller and with my body biomechanics, I have always struggled in the deadlift off of the floor. For years I blamed my technique and foolishly would abruptly change my technique/deadlift form constantly as progress in my deadlift would begin to stall.
In order to address my weakness, I did a lot of the normally remedies: high bar squats for extra quad strength, reverse hypers, back extensions, and naturally, deceit deadlifts. None of these movements seemed to really fix my deadlift malady. Then one day, I had an eureka moment, and for whatever ever reason I started doing my deficit deadlifts with a wide snatch grip. From the start, this variation felt incredible and I finally felt that drive your heels through the floor sensation that everyone decries is requisite to initiate a strong initial pull from the floor. For the record, I do my deficit deadlifts on a pair of metal 35 lb. plates of normal thickness, roughly 1 inch, or so.
In terms of programming, I really like the tried and true 531 for the core lifts and I incorporate these snatch grip deficit deadlifts into my program on Deadlift Day as an accessory. I do 3 x 3 with a very heavy weight -keeping the weight the same for all three sets. I have done these now for the last several cycles and my deadlift has never been better or felt stronger.
Please share your thoughts on the snatch grip deficit deadlift and if you have found success/frustration with this movement ? Thanks so much !
Started doing snatch grip deficits when i heard Brandon Lilly say how much they helped him. Great accessory and now they you mention it, its been a bit since ive added them in.
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Awesome ! Thanks for the response. Best of luck with your training and I hope that your deadlift really benefits from doing this movement. Let me know how it goes. Thanks !!
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I’m 6’2 and have a poverty deadlift, deficits and banded have been my go to, but never snatch grip deficits, I’ll see how I like them and report back!
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Sounds great. I hope they work well for you. The leg drive I am able to generate is crazy. Good Luck and please let me know. Thanks !!
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