Hey everyone.
I am actively lifting three days a week and for a moderate amount of time (1 to 1.5 hours) and a healthy amount of weight (around 10k in volume). I weigh 181 lbs, am 35 and am 5’10".
I have been struggling to understand the nutrition aspect of this, regarding calories and macros. In using a calculator online, I came up with a baseline of 1800 calories and a TDEE of 2800 calories. This came out to 175g protein (just under 1g/lb of my weight), 62g of fat and 385g of carbs. I got to these values by myself really, basing the protein on slightly below my body weight, so I’m not even sure if this is accurate for my goals.
I plan on using this as my starting point and just watch the scale, the mirror and my energy during workouts. My goal is to get some cut and lose my love handles while still building muscle size.
A little background on my supplementation,
I use ON Whey in the morning along with a multivitamin and fish oil.
Pre-workout I like some Green tea Extract, NO2 or coffee.
Post-workout I take ON Whey and my creatine.
And at night I like to take a Casein protein before bed.
I try to make up my macros throughout the day, other than that.
I find that recording everything I intake does help me to be more aware of what I’m putting in my body and I’m hoping I’m on the right track to leaning out while still maintaining and improving my strength and muscle size. Does anyone have any tips, advice or thoughts if I am on the right track here?
I have found a lot of conflicting advice online, even with articles suggesting 2g/lb of body weight in protein and up to 10mg of creatine a day - Just seems absurd to me.
Thanks in advance!