The good morning is a good one for the glutes/hams too - be careful of that lower back. If you have back strain - the form is off and not making the glutes/hams grow.
Just don’t let you gut get bigger than your butt. I think that is where the problem lies. The gut & love handles become dispropinately large but the butt remains the same size. They use to be a size 32 waist now they are a 40 waist & the butt disappears.
[quote]Rockscar wrote:
2 dumbells with a bench behind you. Put your toes from one foot up on the bench behind you…squat with that one leg. ASS FOREVER>[/quote]
I’m damned if I can do that! I can squat, however, with the other leg, the one I am still standing on;-)
Butt seriously, there is a core exercise that can help too. Lay on your back, then bend your knees bringing your feet towards your butt till your feet are flat on the ground. The feet should be rather close together. Now push your butt up. Lower and raise about 100 times. You’ll get a nice burn in your buns.
On a lying down leg sled, you might try one leg presses with lighter weight(foot straight forward). With one leg, it tends to work the glutes harder. This is a great finishing exercise to a hard leg workout.
Kneeling squats cannot be touched. You can use a shit load of weight and if you put the weight on your knees rather than much on the feet, you gluteus have to take the load. The hammies are in a mechanically disadvantaged position. Check out get your butt in gear for details.