ok guys, heres my deal…i try to keep on a pretty strict diet and eat clean and usually do a pretty good job. but then this weekend i just said screw it to myself and stuffed my face the entire time, and am consequently quite pissed about it. but the thing that concerns me the most is that when i weighed myself saturday morning, i was at 170, and then monday morning, im now 178, and i know this is mostly water weight, but does this mean im yoyoing too much and should take in more calories on my regular clean eating diet if i gained that much.
im 18 years old, im pretty big muscularly and fairly ripped but not as much of either as i want to be…im struggling with the last 5 pounds of fat i need to get off. i lift hard and heavy 4-5 days a week and have a fairly-hard physical labor 40 hour a week job. my clean eating diet was usually at around 2200-2300 calories…and im thinking thats too little and thats why i fluctuate so much. its just that im not a hard gainer at all, in fact, im the opposite, i can gain weight like no other so easily just be eating, so im always trying to not eat, but then when i let myself go like this weekend i screw everything up. does anyone else struggle like this?i trust you guys for advice and appreciate your criticism, thanks
At that weight…keep stuffing your face man. I was 200 pounds when I was 14. Didnt diet till I was 390 at 23. The immense amount of muscle I gained and the strength I gained was well worth the…uhhh, effort?
Of course keep lifting like a mad man and try juice atleast once in your life. Hell, try EVERYTHING, that wont straight out kill ya (except gay sex with another dude…trust me, dont) atleast once.
Just my two sense.
[quote]ajweins wrote:
ok guys, heres my deal…i try to keep on a pretty strict diet and eat clean and usually do a pretty good job. but then this weekend i just said screw it to myself and stuffed my face the entire time, and am consequently quite pissed about it. but the thing that concerns me the most is that when i weighed myself saturday morning, i was at 170, and then monday morning, im now 178, and i know this is mostly water weight, but does this mean im yoyoing too much and should take in more calories on my regular clean eating diet if i gained that much.
im 18 years old, im pretty big muscularly and fairly ripped but not as much of either as i want to be…im struggling with the last 5 pounds of fat i need to get off. i lift hard and heavy 4-5 days a week and have a fairly-hard physical labor 40 hour a week job. my clean eating diet was usually at around 2200-2300 calories…and im thinking thats too little and thats why i fluctuate so much. its just that im not a hard gainer at all, in fact, im the opposite, i can gain weight like no other so easily just be eating, so im always trying to not eat, but then when i let myself go like this weekend i screw everything up. does anyone else struggle like this?i trust you guys for advice and appreciate your criticism, thanks[/quote]
Berardi’s 90% rule comes into play here. Just look through Berardi’s articles - you’ll find it.
Don’t obsess over an OCCASIONAL weekend feeding frenzy. Ignore the scale for the week after your binge. It will drive you nuts - as you have already shown.
Relax. Stop freaking out, and get back on the diet. This is for life. Two days out of a lifetime doesn’t even matter. Unless you win a two day weekend with a porn star. That would be a weekend.
Eating like a pig every now and again doesn’t even come close to a date with a porn star.
Hmm… Im 20 and weigh about 185 right now, and i don’t consider myself ripped at all. I’m hoping your shorter than 5’10"
Having said that, I have to admit that i broke down this week and had some fries at work… I felt kind of bad but then i realized that it was just one meal and that i can get over it. Just think positive and realize that you do well the rest of the week.
I used to have this same exact problem. I dont really have any miracle advice for you, other than just FIGHT THROUGH IT.
Actually, what worked for me, was actively thinking during the week about how I was going to eat clean this coming weekend no matter what.
Schedule your cheat meal smack dab in the middle of the weekend. This way you can start off clean (easier in the beginning of the weekend), get your fix, and then finish strong. Set small goals.
Believe me, with enough aggravation, frustration and disappointment in your self from eating “messy”, you will be able to push your self through the weekends and eat clean, eventually.
Also, try buying the foods you are aiming to eat on the weekends ahead of time, and make sure you have them around.
It just takes some time.
Hope this helps,
The weight gain isn’t so bad, as most of it is water and glycogen. When I do my weekend carb up I can put on 10 pounds easily, and I believe it’s probably easier to fluctuate up in weight the more muscle mass you have.
It’s all gone by Tuesday or Wednesday, for me anyway. Just get yourself squared away and don’t make a habit of blowing your diet.
[quote]ajweins wrote:
ok guys, heres my deal…i try to keep on a pretty strict diet and eat clean and usually do a pretty good job. but then this weekend i just said screw it to myself and stuffed my face the entire time, and am consequently quite pissed about it. but the thing that concerns me the most is that when i weighed myself saturday morning, i was at 170, and then monday morning, im now 178, and i know this is mostly water weight, but does this mean im yoyoing too much and should take in more calories on my regular clean eating diet if i gained that much.
im 18 years old, im pretty big muscularly and fairly ripped but not as much of either as i want to be…im struggling with the last 5 pounds of fat i need to get off. i lift hard and heavy 4-5 days a week and have a fairly-hard physical labor 40 hour a week job. my clean eating diet was usually at around 2200-2300 calories…and im thinking thats too little and thats why i fluctuate so much. its just that im not a hard gainer at all, in fact, im the opposite, i can gain weight like no other so easily just be eating, so im always trying to not eat, but then when i let myself go like this weekend i screw everything up. does anyone else struggle like this?i trust you guys for advice and appreciate your criticism, thanks[/quote]
I agree with Rainjack I think its reactions like this that Berardi advises to have a planned “refeeding” or cheat meal.I’m not sayinng go put Baskin Robbins out of business but hell man its one meal.Every Monday night I go out with the boys…we have wings,women and beer(not always in that order) and everything is fine.Plus…YOUR 18?I mean at the cost of sounding like professor X, why are you dieting at 18 and 170 pounds?
[quote]. Hell, try EVERYTHING, that wont straight out kill ya (except gay sex with another dude…trust me, dont) atleast once.
Not to be an assface, but if the dude has gay sex, isnt it by definition with another dude?
and yes, the occasional overfeed will in fact help your fat loss efforts. I learned through JB’s fat loss presentation that there is a lot of hormonal downregulation that goes on with strict dieting, and teh occasional “throw the food log away” cram session can help.
I am a big Cheater’s diet proponent, and the overfeed day is a critical component, so long as you get back on your energy system work and get back to your diet.
And did you check your body fat (if you are on such a strict diet, you should be regularly doing this). You would probably notice (as I have through years of tried and true expereince) that if you have been severely calorie deficient for a long time while training hard, and then overfeed and rest for a couple days, your body fat will drop and your muscles get ‘fuller’. That is my expereince anyway.
thanks for the help guys, and yah, i know i shouldnt really be trying to diet when im only 170-180, but i was kinda fat when i was sixteen before i started training, and i just have the constant fear of gaining fat… and i dont have the six pack like i want, but i dont really have the “cut” body type either, i think i should try and eat more and put on some mass and maybe it will be easier cut down later. and i would estimate my body fat % at around 10-12%
appreciate the help. being part of this message board has given me new motivation
thanks for the help guys, and yah, i know i shouldnt really be trying to diet when im only 170-180, but i was kinda fat when i was sixteen before i started training, and i just have the constant fear of gaining fat… and i dont have the six pack like i want, but i dont really have the “cut” body type either, i think i should try and eat more and put on some mass and maybe it will be easier cut down later. and i would estimate my body fat % at around 10-12%
appreciate the help. being part of this message board has given me new motivation
You disgust me with your blatant lack of tolerance for the higher-gay community and the act of anallly-inspired chemical affection.
Please sir, be more open-minded on the issues of the heart if you so will.
Did I actually try to strawman a gay sex post? Yep. I guess I did there right there didnt I there.
[quote]jodgey wrote:
. Hell, try EVERYTHING, that wont straight out kill ya (except gay sex with another dude…trust me, dont) atleast once.
Not to be an assface, but if the dude has gay sex, isnt it by definition with another dude?
sorry. [/quote]
hey guys, another question sort of relating to my topic…
i guess i have always just been trying to cut with my diet, and always thought i should start bulking once i get down to 7 or 8 percent body fat, but i think im probably not maximizing my lifting gains because im not eating as much to try and cut…so would i be smarter to get bigger and fatter, and then cut, or just continue to try and cut? thanks
Pick one or the other and stick to it.
[quote]AMIRisSQUAT wrote:
You disgust me with your blatant lack of tolerance for the higher-gay community and the act of anallly-inspired chemical affection.
Please sir, be more open-minded on the issues of the heart if you so will.
Did I actually try to strawman a gay sex post? Yep. I guess I did there right there didnt I there.
jodgey wrote:
. Hell, try EVERYTHING, that wont straight out kill ya (except gay sex with another dude…trust me, dont) atleast once.
Not to be an assface, but if the dude has gay sex, isnt it by definition with another dude?
Things I never knew. I hopefully never will.
An ‘anally inspired chemical affection’ seems to fall under the category where Ignorance is Bliss.
I will try to be more tolerant in the future. Perhaps I need sensitivity training.
[quote]ajweins wrote:
and i would estimate my body fat % at around 10-12%
that is the worst thing you can do. If you are serious about this, and willing to put in the time and effort, go out and buy calipers. they are relatively cheap, and the progress you will make will prevent you from freaking out, and what you learn about how your own body reacts to things like overfeeds, or how you can numerically see how your progress slows to a halt when what you are doing no longer works, you will expedite your progress infinitely.
Yup, calipers, one of my best investments for physique management.
Calipers and the coaching groups here. That Staley guy runs a really sweet group. Just ask Julianne (aka teamstaley).
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Eating like a pig every now and again doesn’t even come close to a date with a porn star.
But in both cases you should be eating like crazy, huh rainjack?