Interesting how lurking around here and soaking up all this info can inspire the laziness out of me. I just received my labs and a “you just want steroids” look from my primary care manager.
Background - 44 yrs old, 6’1", 265, 20 yrs in military. I have been lifting for years never serious until last two years. I have most of the classic symptoms for needing HRT and here are my labs:
Total test 278
Free Test 7.6
Estriodol 34
TSH .71
Free T4 .55
T3 3.20
PSA .6
total Chole 232 LDL 167 HDL 47 Triglycerides 92
Any help interpreting these would be great. Here’s my docs reaction, prescriptions for:
Synthroid 50mcg daily
Lipitor 50mcg daily
200 Test Cyp 1 shot monthly
Would not discuss anything regarding Estrogen. Seemed a little miffed that I even new about it. I have to go back next month for follow up labs. Up until today my PCM seemed open to HRT. Now that my test is 278 it’s normal. I’m left sratching my head…
You need to list the ranges for the numbers you listed. You might get by with HCG for a while to restart your testies. Other wise you may end up on TRT and that will be for the rest of your life. the once a month shot will do nothing but really screw with you. After a week you will feel as bad as you do now and at the end of the month before your next injection your levels will be lower than when you started.
You need at the least once a week treatments to keep your test levels within normal ranges. You would definatly do better on androgel than once a month treatments. The way you are being treated is criminal you need anouther doctor now.
Interesting how difficult it is to find a Doctor now-a-days who is willing to treat their patients in accordance with their Oath. Way to much judgemental behavior going on these days.
Even worse is the discrimination. Women don’t have the same difficulties getting hormone treatment therapy. At least not in Canada.
Best of luck!
[quote]streamline wrote:
Even worse is the discrimination. Women don’t have the same difficulties getting hormone treatment therapy. At least not in Canada.
Best of luck![/quote]
That’s because estrogen is not a controlled substance in the USA. However, testosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance, involving documentation and regulation, including a special license from the FDA, requiring a lot of paperwork for physicians to be accountable.
Bureaucracy has replaced the Hippocratic Oath.