ok I have a 2 seats to give away for the EDT workshop in Chicago September 25th from 12noon to 4:00pm…These seats are normally $175 but 2 of you can go for free. If you love EDT or think this workshop would be an awesome experience(which it will be) then sign up here. Also if you don’t win but want to attend I will give a special discount . I will pick my winners Friday afternoon September 17th-Julianne
What do I need to do to sign up to win? I was hopping to go to this anyway.
I would love to go to the EDT workshop! Sign me up!
just post here
Man I’d love to come and learn everything about EDT
Staley’s line of “Get in, do something nice, get out,” has become my mantra. I would love to go.
Hmmm…a chance to observe and learn EDT from Charles Staley in person…please sign me up!!!
Do you pay for planr ickets from Australia?? If so let me in!!
yes indeed. please consider me for the free tickets. Its a short drive from indianapolis!
I would love to go, sign me up.
sign me in
I would love to attend! Let me know…
Did anyone get a hold of Julianne regarding discount price. If so, how much is the price?
ok- I said I was going to do this on Friday of last week but I was waiting to hear from the Doctors if it was possible.
My boss, Charles has had a little set back due to a torn retina in his eye. He traveled over the weekend to do the Today show and his eye still hurt bad this AM. To make a long story short he has been put on a time out so to speak and is limited to his activitys for the next 2 weeks. It was a difficult decision to make but we have cancelled Chicago for the time being and will probably reschedule it in 2005.
For now though I was going to give the seats to PGH and indymacka-so the 2 of you need to PM me with contact info so I can at least give the 2 of you a Staley Prize pack-Julianne
how did that happen??
Is he going to need surgery?
best wishes