Great video of a guy going on an atypical road rage rampage. Enjoy.
This video killed me when i first saw it. Fucking drive here Fucking drive there! Load the gun up Kevin, Cock it back, UNLOAD! haha
Man, I laughed my ass off when I saw this a while back…so epic.
Oh my god that was even better the second time around.
That made my night.
[quote]PB Andy wrote:
Oh my god that was even better the second time around.[/quote]
Yea I seriously think I laugh harder each time I watch it.
Pretty funny.
Glad I walk most places during any given day.
[quote]Ghost22 wrote:
Pretty funny.
Glad I walk most places during any given day. [/quote]
You still have to watch out for ‘walk rage’ though.
Love that video, it doesn’t get old.
LMAO! Dude reminds me of one of best friends. I worry about him…lol.
Haha!!! that was so awesome!
That’s so awesome.