YouTube has a million videos worth watching and I feel it is my duty to share all of the wonderful videos I have gathered over the years. I’ll start us out with an instant classic.
The wild woman, the wild women. The rippin’ and the tearin’, the rippin’ and the tearin’
Please feel free to contribute with any gems you may have found on YouTube
that first video was haha well interesting to say the least…really didn’t expect that to happen…2nd vid meh, 3rd vid…hope they didn’t take it too hard on that 7 year old.
Love the dance for the you’re not the father haha classic.
[quote]rasturai wrote:
hope they didn’t take it too hard on that 7 year old.[/quote]
whaaat? That little hoodrat stole his grandmas car and crashed it into a few other cars??? Why would they not go hard on him? Plus he said he did it cause “its fun to do bad things”
Theres another video of that kid attacking his grandma in a Walmart because she wouldnt buy him chicken wings.
There’s no way they could do anything harsh enough to that kid (legally). I just feel bad for the grandma who has to take care of him or let him go into the system.
[quote]TD54 wrote:
YouTube has a million videos worth watching and I feel it is my duty to share all of the wonderful videos I have gathered over the years. I’ll start us out with an instant classic.
The wild woman, the wild women. The rippin’ and the tearin’, the rippin’ and the tearin’
Please feel free to contribute with any gems you may have found on YouTube[/quote]