If there were no women, would you weight train?

Serious question. Is the reason we bust our balls in the gym just for pulling hotties?

Have you ever picked up a chick in the gym? And was it because of your body (or vice versa).

Right now if you were to ask me why i weight train, i would say something like to help me pick up hot chicks, greater self confidence, fit and healthy yadda yadda yadda. But without women to try to impress would there be any reason to do it?

I guess in that regard I’m not very vain. I only lift to please myself. However, ‘without any women’ would short circuit some motivational techniques. For instance, occationally at home in the garage in the squat rack that last set can be hell.
All it takes is a passing thought of my ex wife
and the resulting verbal obscenities I declare
to her truly DO encourage me to finish!
So basically I figure they should be ‘used as
necessary’, but they are not the be all reason
I do what I do.

Some women are actually turned off by my body, which is small by ANY bodybuilding stanard. I’ve never picked up a girl in the gym. In fact, I think doing so is almost sacreligious. Lifting weights is about me. It’s about me coming home after a workout to flex in front of the mirror. It’s about me adding more weight to the bar.

I lift because it helps keep my head straight. After an exam, or just a bad day, I’ll run to the gym. Lifting weights is what coming home and drinking a beer in front of the television is to most, Americans. It’s a way to relax. It’s also the most rational activity in the world. The weight moves, or it doesn’t. 200 lbs. is 200 lbs. 300 lbs. is 300 hundred pounds. The weights don’t lie, cheat, or manipulate you. They simply exist; and in some cosmic way, beckon.

There aren’t any women in prisons but those guys lift more than just about anyone. For the same reasons they do it I would as well…because if there aren’t any women the small guy loses.

I started lifting weights because I was small. And I didn’t like being picked on. And I don’t like being a little guy. I have always been fascinated by muscle, and enjoy working out to make me look and feel better. It makes me stronger and it feels good seeing improvments in my body.

I train at a gym where there are only a handful of girls. And only a few are good looking. Sure, it gives me extra motivation if a hot girl is near me while I'm lifting, but overall, I lift for me. If I feel lean, strong and muscular, then my confidence is higher. And it attracts the female persuasion.

I would like to say that I work out to pick up girls, but I would need to be bigger (taller, better proportioned) for something like that to work.

I staretd lifting to get bigger stronger and more cut for myself. I love to see improvements in my body. It wasnt untill women started to notice my body that I discoverd weight lifting really did have some hidden incentves. But even if there were no women I would still bust my ass to be the biggest and strongest!

If there were no women, I would not lift. I would roll a nice fat joint and smoke it, go straight to Dunkin’ Donuts and eat a dozen or so double chocolate glazed and maybe thirty or forty munchkins. Then I’d stop at the gas station and grab a six pack of pepsi and a couple candy bars, along with a few bags of caramel squares. After that I would stop at the store and grab a bottle of jack, a few tubs of ice cream, and six bags of Pepperidge Farm cookies. I’d take that home with me, order a pizza, and watch movies until I passed out.
But there ARE women…hot, sexy, horny women everywhere, so instead I will pop a few MD6’s and go to the gym and train my ass off, at times while people look at me like I’m nuts because I’m hopping up and down or balancing on one foot (Ian’s calf routine). Then I’ll go home, shower and get ready to go out and find myself a hot little sex kitten who will be so happy later on when she’s got some nice big guns to hang onto as she’s bouncing up and down on me.
Sure, I enjoy the self-confidence, the healthy lifestyle, the ability to set and exceed very tangible goals on a weekly basis, and genuinely liking what I see in the mirror. But if tomorrow all women disappeared…I would have a twinkie for the first time in about 10 years. Then I’d have about six more.


I started b/c I was a fat ass. I could not get a girl if my life depended on it. Well I found a girl, put on a few pounds. I found T-mag.com, and started to lift b/c I want to get as big as I can. I am not very lean, but not a fat ass anymore. I like to talk around and have every one stare at me like I am the biggest thing they have seen. I like seeing some little guy geting picked on and walking over and kicking the shit out of the bully.
So would I lift if there were no females? Hell yes

Well, being married is sort of like all the women in the world disappeared because you wife doesn’t give a shit as long as you don’t become a lard ass, and you can’t have any other women. So the answer is ‘yes’ I would train anyway 'cause I like it.

I would still train but I don’t think I would diet as much…I love working out, but I diet to look good for the opposite sex! No, I don’t think chicks really care if you’re real muscular, just lean and slightly muscular, like a swimmer’s body. Sorry, I’ve talked to all kinds of ladies about this, and they all say the same thing: “bodybuilders’ huge muscles are gross!” Granted, there are probably a few that get turned on by it, but not many.

When I started lifting, I was in the military on a basically all guy base. I started lifting after reading up on Arnold Scharzeneggagafdte(FUCK IF I KNOW HOW TO SPELL HIS GODDAMN NAME). I wanted to be stronger, and more ripped than the other guy. So without chics I would continue to lift. Screw a swimmers body…I want the body of a fucking TITAN.

I started lifting after a career ending lower back injury. I quickly became addicted to the iron and what it was doing to my skinny, 10K runner’s body. I used to hate to stick out in a crowd. Now I love the fact that I look different than 95% of the other schmucks out there. I am more self-confident and have the courage to pursue women that before I would have considered being out of my league. I work in a cell block with Federal prisoners and they respect power and muscle. (Most ask me what kind of routine I am using, etc.) So,I would lift anyway, for the self-esteem, and security it gives me. The health benefits are a big plus as well.

I would be a fat, lazy shit if there were no girls on this earth. Don’t get me wrong, I love training and MOST of the lifestyle. But if there were no fine chickies wiggling their fine asses around, I just wouldn’t find the motivation to do anything besides eat, drink, sleep and jack off. Which leads to the question “What the hell would I jack off to if there are no women? WAIT, that doesn’t make me gay, does it? WAIT, did I say that out loud?”. :slight_smile: And as far as some women saying they don’t like a large, muscular body, that should be taken with a grain of salt. It’s just like when you tell your girl: “No honey, I think huge tits are disgusting. Why would I want to hold a big set of bodacious ta-tas that overflow out of my hands as a massage and…” Whoa. I’m getting off topic, but if there were no women I wouldn’t train.

LOL this is hillarious!!!

I think the women not liking the bodybuilders type of build is nothing more than bullshit. Why is it that all the big ass bodybuilders have about the best looking girls on earth?? While the swimmers end up with average or chunky girls screw that. Get huge the laid thats the method to our madness.


I’d continue to train if I was the last person on earth.

  1. There is so little in life that we have complete control over. What we do in the weight room is one of them. Whether I stick 275 lbs for 20 reps in the squat has nothing to do with my boss, my girlfriend, etc… Its all about if I have the guts/ will to push it out that day. The failure’s all mine, but so is the success.

  2. Nothing feels as good as hitting a new PR. I finaly got my bench over 290 a couple of weeks ago. When I got off the bench I felt so fucking amped, and it took hours to come down from that. The next day I was still walking around with my head in the clouds thinking about it. Hitting a PR is like losing your virginity all over again.

  3. Nothing feels worse than being fat and out of shape. Physically and psychologically. 2 years ago when I started my new job, I slacked at the gym and ate like shit because it was easy to make excuses when I was putting in 60 - 80 hour work weeks. The transformation was slow, but I found myself out of breath walking up a couple flights of stairs, and one day the image of myself in the mirror hit me like a ton o’ bricks. I’ll never make excuses again.

  4. I need the physical challenge. I mountain bike, play basketball, football, and soccer. And all of its done without a woman in sight. I don’t know how to explain it other than I feel a need to continually push my body.

So, yeah, without women i’d still be doing it.

I don’t weight train to please the ladies because the ladies don’t want me any bigger. I’m 5’9 200 lbs. shredded. I weight train so i can put on more muscle and to get stronger. It is a challenge everytime i’m in the gym.

I like working out because I like the big, heavy, thick, musculature that I carry when I’m faithful to the bench. I also like knowing that if someone causes a ruckus, I can yank his head off his neck like a grape off a vine.

If there was no women on earth, I’m sure I would find another good reason to build the best possible body. But if all the women on earth dissapeared at this moment, it would be another story. I would buy one of those real dolls, the one with the biggest tits. No more training, no more dieting. no more stupid conversation, no more picking up my stuff, no more leave the toilet seat down. I’ll piss in the sink, watch 70’s Jackie Chan movies everyday of the week, play Diablo and Starcraft, blast heavy metal through the roof, fart out loud, have a ball with the pals, drink, leave my stressful job for a relaxed one, because we want more money to get better chicks as well. My first motivation to train and diet is to leave my options open. If my girlfriend leaves me, I got plenty of chicks who want me inside them. And the worst is that I’m pretty far from the swimmer body right now. I think their bodies are great and chicks do dig them. I aim for the big muscular body, but I would settle for now for a swimmer body. To answer another question, I never hit on girls in my gym. It’s not that kind of crowd anyway.