If I Had to Pick Just One Protein Powder - Metabolic Drive or Mag-10?

I have been googling and reading and reading and reading and reading about the different types of proteins and brands of protein powders. It’s giving me a headache.

I totally get the difference between the Whey and Casein proteins being fast digesting and slow. From what I read, it seems that Casein is the better overall protein for building muscle mass and strength. But Whey has it’s place - like right after a workout. Then we get into the Micellar and hydrolsate Casein . . which (according to what I read online - which must make it correct right?
lol). . is the ultimate protein. It’s kinda like a fast digesting Casein - so the best of both worlds.

I have been buying the Six Star brand from Walmart for $20 a container. Because I failed to do any research. I just assumed all brands were fine and Whey was better than Soy. That’s about all I had known, until my recent readings. It’s hard to know what brands are good and what are full of crap. I read that many label claims are off, or add unwanted stuff. Reading reviews don’t help much because it’s hard to know what reviews are real and what are marketing fluff. Soooo, here we are.

It appears that Biotest seems to be a trusted brand, although a bit pricier than some others?

I have narrowed it down to 2 options:

  1. Metabolic Drive (2lb for $37.95) A mix of Micellar Casein and Whey Isolate. So you get a mix of fast and slow digesting proteins.

  2. Mag 10 (2lb for $69.95) Casein Hdrolsate

I don’t mind going to the $70 one IF, and ONLY IF - it really would make a difference. I am on a budget and that one is a jump - But, I really am focused and want to get my body right. I am dedicated.

IF I can only get one of these . .and it will be my “goto” for a few shakes throughout the day, as well as my post workout recovery. What’s your take? What one would ultimately fit my needs (I am trying to gain bulk muscle, rather than strength). I work out for about an hour 5 times a week. I am at a beginning stage (about 1 year) but have some nice gains so far - but still need to lose body fat and a long ways to go on building lean muscle mass

If you could only get one - which one would you pick and why?

This thread is more appropriate for the Biotest Supplement Advice forum.

This article talks all about the different benefits and different types of wheys and caseins.

For super-inexpensive, go with Surge Recovery for training and Metabolic Drive for a daily shake. You’ll get the benefit of high-quality shakes that are easy to load up on calories plus the Surge covers your workout nutrition (try during training, not after). Being a protein blend, Metabolic Drive is designed to digest more slowly, so it’s not ideal to have right around training. You want the fast insulin spike and Surge was literally designed to do that.

You could go just with Mag-10 because that can serve double-purpose on its own as workout nutrition and a daily protein bump, but you’d run through each bag faster. So, budget-wise, it might not work for you.

Also, if you’re watching costs, I wouldn’t have “a few” shakes a day. 2 or 3 good meals plus one high-ish calorie shake (and workout nutrition on training days) can be fine if everything’s planned right.

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Mag 10 -even just one scoop(ideally 2) taken immediately post work/intra gives a huge boost in recovery so can really smash it in the gym, up the volume and density for weak lifts etc and come back feeling fine the next day.

The rest of the day just slam down quality wholefood, get a big pack of lean minced beef, ground turkey, eggs and frozen greens in bulk etc

Thanks for the insight.

Buying both the Surge Recovery and Metabolic Drive will run me about $70 and last me approx. 2 weeks. I could probably get two weeks out of the Mag-10, doing a shake in the mid morning and one during workout. That would run be about the same for two weeks, as far as costs.

Maybe the Mag-10 would be the way to go, and as RampantBadger mentioned, I could focus on whole foods the rest of the day (although that can get more expensive than the powders too)

Thanks RampantBadger

I think I will try the Mag 10. I will do a shake mid morning and one during workout. See how that goes.

One of the difficulties I face is trying that I am 215 lbs and trying to also get lean. For that, I need a caloric deficit. The trick is trying to get 200g of protein and stay under 1,800 calories per day. So, I avoid red meat altogether - just because it is much higher in calories than chicken/fish/seafood/eggs.

Right now I make a lot of ‘liquid egg white’ omelets because I can get almost 30 grams of protein in under 180 calories. It just gets tiring eating the same things all the time. Yes, I know there are lots of protein options out there and I do eat chicken and seafood . .but it gets very expensive to eat that much meats every day.

I will try the Mag 10 - Thanks

Ok cool

…Too low for hard training male. No way will you add any appreciable muscle unless have Olympia genetics.
Up your calories to maintenance and do a tough program off this site like these below and you will lean out fast as well as add muscle:

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If you think both have value, I don’t see why you don’t get both. They serve different purposes. I keep Plazma and Metabolic Drive on hand, and use them differently. Metabolic Drive for daily shakes, Plazma for workouts. Mag 10 is a fine substitute for the Plazma. I don’t really understand the idea of forcing yourself into buying just 1 product to serve multiple functions, unless your budget is just so tight that you can’t buy both at the same time. If your issue is you just don’t have money, and you need the cheapest, most effective protein source for daily protein consumption, Metabolic Drive is likely the best choice for you. I’ll also add that, if this is the case, you should wait a little bit, save some cash to make a bulk order, and do that, because of the bulk discounts at the biotest store. I think you need to buy about 150 bucks worth of stuff to really get some good value.

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The budget is tight. Certainly I can afford to some extent. I am just saying that on a tighter budget, things add up very fast. This is a very expensive way of life: Gym membership ($40/month), The protein powder for pre workout, post workout, daily pumps, creatine, and then all the real whole food you must consume each day.

I do understand that each one was designed for different functions. But right now I am in the need to pinch back a bit for a while.

Thanks for the info on buying bulk . . I will certainly look into that soon.

I currently add a scoop of fast digesting carbs to my post workout shake. Would you recommend I keep doing that, when using Mag 10?

i dont know what this is, but it sounds like a poor use of your money. Is it some kind of workout supplement?

No. “Daily Pumps” was just me saying what I wanted to say - in a totally incorrect manner.

I mean protein bumps throughout the day. Sorry for not being clear

I saw your other thread and believe your fat intake is way to low. Are you still eating 24g a day?

It fluctuates between 30 and 50g per day. In short, I try to hit about 180 to 215g of protein, and had been keeping my calories around 1,750. Overall, I usually hit 50% protein, 25% fat and 25% carbs . . give or take. And it does fluctuate daily.

It has been suggested that I increase my caloric intake to 'maintenance levels" which would be around 2,200. Although I am nervous that I won’t lose fat at that level, I am willing to try. I am also willing to increase fat intake if it’s needed.

Also, I do cook everything in coconut oil (chicken, fish, omelets, etc) . . so my fat intake is slightly higher than stated . . due to the oil from cooking that I forget to count in

just fyi, you’re eating more protein than I do. Something to consider. You’re also eating fewer calories.

although after reading this, I’m not sure if you’re eating fewer calories, lol. Tracking macros is pointless if you pick and choose what you track. Are you tracking liquid calories from beverages that aren’t water? Do you snack at all, and if so do you track that?

Protein Intake: It’s hard to figure out what is the right amount of calories and protein to intake daily. Everything you read is different, and everyone has different advice. I am just kinda going with the 1 to 1.5 g of protein per lean mass weight.

I am currently 215 pounds
Body Fat 24% (roughly as this was one of those scales . . so not accurate)
159 lbs of lean body mass (again scale . . maybe not accurate).

With that, I figured 180 to 210g of protein is good, no? Now seeing your avatar and knowing you are eating less protein than I am . . seems like I am being foolish lol

I worked really hard to drop 40 pounds and I am very nervous about upping my calories too much. At the same time, I don’t want to stunt my muscle growth. Which there was a magic formula/calculation.

Ok, I use an app called ‘Lose It’ and I can scan any barcode into the app and enter how much I ate of it, and it does the rest. So, I set my goals to lose another 40 pounds, and it estimates me at 1,750 calories per day. I am working out 5 days a week . . so maybe going to 2,200 would be ideal for me?

I DO put all of my snacks into the app and log every crumb that I eat. I am not trying to cheat myself. I want this change more than you know. And I am dedicated. When I lost the 40 pounds, I went on a strict diet of very low carb and even brought my own meals to birthday parties and events. That’s how dedicated I was. Not once, did I come off that diet until I had met my 40 pound goal.

That being said, the coconut oil was not accounted for - that was the only thing. It was something new that just started. My trainer told me to cook in coconut oil for the fats. But . . I will make a point of adding it to my daily log in the app. And yes, I snack at times . . like cottage cheese at night . . but I keep all that in the log.

You’re not being foolish, because you’re going by what you’ve read, and the common ideas that are shared. But IMO, you should be basing protein intake more off lean body bass, or at least your GOAL weight, rather than your current weight.

How does the app work? Does it have you at 1750 calories for the duration of the proposed 40 lbs drop, or is it going to adjust that as time goes by? I can promise you that if you START at 1750 calories, you will find yourself in a world of trouble well before you reach your goal. What will happen is, you’ll lose some weight, but you won’t lose it all, and you’ll have nowhere to go with your diet, because you’re already at a very low caloric intake. Just something to consider. Diet should vary as results are attained. If your app does not account for this, it is not a good app. But I don’t know if it does, you should let us know about how that works.

Why in the world are you snacking on cottage cheese at night? Why are you snacking at all at night? If you have a good reason, I’d like to know what it is. Several years ago when I was trying to GAIN weight, I was eating cottage cheese every night to support that goal.

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Yes. My lean body mass was 159. But even using that, it still puts my protein at a minimal of 160 . . and if you use the 1.5g per lb of lean mass formula . . it puts me up in the 200’s still.

The app works really well. You enter your starting weight. Then you enter your goal weight and time. And it calculates your daily caloric intake to meet that goal. Each day you enter your daily weight. As your weight changes, it adjusts your caloric intake up and down. I use the free version, as it does what I need . . .and also gives me a chart of my protein, carbs and calories. Good enough to at least understand what I am consuming each day and hitting my goals.

As for the cottage cheese? I was told to. Like I said . . it’s hard to understand what to do when everyone says something different. So I absorb all the info like a sponge and use a little trial and error of the things that make sense. I have a trainer at the gym. And yes, I even question him - nobody knows everything. That’s why I post here to get other perspectives and insight. Anyway . . . he told me it’s a good thing to get a little protein before bed . . a casein protein that will digest slow over night and so that you are not depleted waking up. Not sure if it’s accurate but it made sense and so that’s why I have been doing it . . so far.

Thanks for the explanation. My concern with your app is how low it’s going to eventually have your calories. If you’re dropping 40 lbs, and you’re already at 1750 calories on the app, it’s likely going to have you under 1400 calories before too long. That’s just not going to be sustainable, and I doubt it will lead you to a favorable body composition…

I personally think at least 1 or 2 consultations with a registered dietician, or someone who specializes in weight loss, rather than a trainer, would benefit you, and at the end of the day give you a good return on your money. There’s no way for me to know if your trainer is good, but most are not, particularly when it comes to diet. I can definitely understand not wanting to shell out money for something like this, but consider it. It could save you a lot of time, effort, and money at the end of the day.

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I totally agree with you. I kinda feel the same way. I love my trainer. He’s a good guy and at least I know that I am learning the proper form with all of my routines. Cause, previously I only worked out at home . . . doing best guess scenario. And going into a gym for the very first time was a bit intimidating . . not knowing if I was looking foolish doing my normal dumbbell routine . . . and totally not knowing how some of those machines work at all. So it did make the transition nice And I work with him once a week which is enough - to keep me on target. But, I do know that I need more knowledgable advice on my diet and nutrition for my goals. Problem is . . you usually get one or the other. A bodybuilding trainer that may know some basic dietary needs for bodybuilding - but may not know for my specific situation . where I am still losing fat and trying to figure out what my caloric and protein intake should be for the day to reach my goals. On the other side . . there is the medical dietary nutrition experts who know a LOT about a regular diet to lose weight . .but not so much when you are also pushing yourself through an intense bodybuilding regime weekly . . it’s a catch 22. I try to read a lot… Ask a lot of questions and trial and error of the things that make sense logically.

I will say that I have already dropped 40 pounds and the daily caloric intake went from about 1,830 to 1,750. That’s not a huge drop So, I would expect the next 40 pounds to slowly drop from 1,750 to about 1,680 or something similar.

The catch is . .just like the trainer vs nutritionalist . . . the app may not be designed for both losing weight and bodybuilding. . . BUT . the app does adjust calories based on your daily exercise. For example . . IF I log in that I worked out weight lifting for 45 minutes, it adds about 175 calories to my daily intake . . so that’s at least something

i think you’re wrong in that regard. There are a lot of dietary specialists out there who work with athletes all the time. Plenty of diet coaches who work specifically with people who train as athletes, and people who step on stage as bodybuilders. Your average gym trainer, which is what i believe you have, does not fall into that category.

So something about weight training in general, and hiring a trainer: you shouldn’t hire a trainer long term. you should hire a COACH if you intend to be a competitive lifter, but for the level you are at, that’s not necessary. A good trainer works to make himself useless. He should teach you how to lift weights, explain programming, and if you’re self-motivated, you should be able to leave him after a short period of time.