I Wanna Talk about How to Get a Girlfriend

Good point- there are plenty of hot business majors who need help on calc homework (this is a real thing at my school :joy:)
Or… in rarer cases, the ones who are actually turned on by proofs

I think maybe what you are missing, and many guys (including myself at one point in the past) that are poor with women are missing is that it is the woman that chooses (at least almost always). This is what SkyzykS I think is getting at. Men who are good with women are good at reading them (and not saying stupid shit).

I think TV / Movies / Traditional Values have made many men believe women are to be won over, in some sort of meritocracy. This happens occasionally, but typically it is the woman who gives hints to the man in effort to get him to make a move. The men who pick up on this stuff and act on it are the ones good with women. The men who take actions before having hints from a woman are the ones typically seen as creepy.

Some men get more attention from women then others. Just the way things are. I doubt no women are interested in you. I think you may be one of the men who have a hard time picking up on clues women leave (they are not very obvious all the time). Here is an article for you.

A big thing to remember is not to jump to conclusions. Play it cool. Let her give you more hints. Kinda what SkyzkS was saying.

I normally don’t read these types of adds because generally they are kinda weird and you can interpret just about anything you want out of them.
Then I noticed it was the same website that I got my plans for building my squat/dead platform so I clicked on it :joy:

Found this gem under the ways to tell she’s interested in you “ * Darting her eyes away when you look at her”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

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I thought the same on that one. Could also mean you are a total creep, and she is making sure you are not watching her.

The article does go into the danger of jumping to conclusions which is highly needed for many men. I am guilty of the opposite. I may suspect a girl likes me, but it can be tough to be sure, and I don’t want to be a creep.

I suck at all of it and unless she just plain out says I’m interested, I’d have no idea :joy:. I blame it on unfortunately staying with the same girl from 13 till 27. Which was a hiuuuuge fucking mistake. I had zero self confidence and somehow convinced myself it was either her or alone for ever. Lost out on a lot of fun and valuable lessons.


My current viable “dating pool” consists exclusively of guys who write papers and study real analysis over break, so idk if I’ll be picking up on any “valuable lessons” anytime soon

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It sounds like you got a couple other valuable lessons. Now you get to get out there, and 27 isn’t that old since you are in far better shape than most.

I have had the experience a few times from that article when a girl has asked me later on why I never asked her out. Maybe self confidence thing? I suspected it in all cases, but was never sure.

Well like a dumbass My “have lots of fun” session was short lived to say the least, I’ll be turning 29 this year and am already in a “serious” relationship. Which I’m having mixed feelings about but that’s a whole nother thread and can of worms :joy:

IMO, it isn’t worth leaving a good woman to have fun. I totally get the feeling, and of course YMMV.


On paper, she is perfect. I’m wild and crazy, she’s super responsible and mature, I’m extremely wasteful ($) she is like a wizard with money, she’s currently in law school with a job waiting on her and I already make great money (helllloooo 30ft center console boat :joy:), I have a shitty family and no relationship with them, her family is awesome and loves me to death, Shit like that. The list goes on. So I just keep telling myself that lol



Believe it or not, there are men who have ease in attracting women who know exactly why this is so. The biggest womanizer I knew, a former close friend of mine of 22 years, knew why he attracted so many women in his life, and I suspect he still entertains all this while being married with two kids. He comes from a powerful family with a jewelry business with offices in Florida and NYC and formerly in South Africa. He’s slick, drives around in his cars most can’t afford, and sells jewelry and is of an ethnicity that is stereotyped for having money, which he does. He once even said when we were young, “women want to be deceived; that right there shows he knew exactly what he was doing in his interactions with women, and some slick, flashy rich guy knows exactly why he gets women.

He had a home to himself for 11 months of the year sometimes as a teenager and drove a BMW at 17. No, a guy like that wasn’t struggling to find a prom date.

A close friend of mine, good looking, and a former Olympia competitor on some magazine covers knows why he has attracted many women too. No, he doesn’t have to do much specifically to attract women.

What you are right about is that such men or men like them likely cannot relate to ordinary men. Their advice would be meaningless in some contexts because ordinary men aren’t in the positions they’re in and ordinary men aren’t as attractive.

They’d only give some workable advice that commonly known: be decisive, take charge, be chivalrous, have a job, etc, etc.

curious what’s stopping people from having fun with a the good woman?? I’ve had a good woman for going on 10 years now and it ain’t boring - even with a 2.5 year old


I think it is a variety thing. One certainly can have fun with a good woman, but I think many men have the idea of lots of women = lots of fun.

Yep, all very good advice.

My strategy was be extremely nice, and very forward while also polite. Have the confidence to fail- whether that is getting denied when you hit on a girl and taking it 100% in stride, or giving it 100% on that dance floor even though you know you suck at dancing. The confidence (and optimism) to try and fail is attractive, and even when you do fail it makes you less intimidating and approachable to prospective women. E.g. if the girl sucks at dancing too she will feel comfortable acting a fool with you instead of declining to dance because she doesnt want to be embarassed.

The more fun you are having, and your friends are having, the more people want to be around you. So part of going out is making sure the WHOLE group you are out with is having a great time. Same thing applies everywhere. At the grocery store checkout, make the the checker laugh and that cutie behind you will take an interest.

That said, i always stayed the fuck away from trashy women, so if you are going after that, you can probably ignore what i said.


Mine is super cringeworthy and very douchy, but I’d just like to have messed around with Atleast one person who is physically what I’m most attracted too. Shallow, I know. It’s even worse to write down :joy:

In some cases this is true. There are plenty of scumbags who don’t “improve” or self-reflect who get women, lots of them actually. But they’re likely not women who are attracted to you or me. I’m not a scumbag, so I couldn’t get a thrill-seeking woman, nor would I want one; so I didn’t marry one.

I think too many single men in the current dating jungle focus on women that don’t match them anyway and things that have nothing to do with finding a wife and started a family. PUA, MGTOW, alpha versus beta, “spinning plates”, female hypergamy, etc. Hypergamy has always existed and it’s in full swing now, but I don’t think it’s worth focusing on.

After reading some of these posts I’m not surprised some of you have problems with women; you don’t like women. And they probably pick up on that.

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Yeah I did it. I don’t know if it’s that great. My ex was scalding hot, an hourglass figure, lifting weights, crazy big ass, green beautiful eyes… Now I’m super picky with women’s physique. That fucked me up. I had the ragest boners, the craziest libido and desire I had never experienced in my life. I tried with an “average girl” this summer and I didn’t feel as aroused, so I stopped it. I want to feel this again ahahah

I just want to experience it once lol

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Drop some coin and fuck a hooker or a stripper (sometimes the same thing) then.