And it’s time to rein it in! Seriously, my eating has been a joke. My dietary intake would make a 4 year old at Halloween look like a champ. I know so much better, but I have succumbed to my inner sugar-holic. And I’m punching that punk on the chin.
I’m a 51 year old man with a 35+ year history of lifting and training. I’ve been so fortunate to have read, studied, watched, coached, and learn from the Greats of the Iron Game. T-Nation is a big part of that, and I’ve still got all 6 of the original print mags from way back in the day.
28 September 2024 Staring Measurements:
Weight: 215.3#
Height: 73.5”
Neck: 17”
Chest at Nipple Line: 46”
1” Above Navel: 39”
Waist at Navel: 39”
Hips: 42.25”
Thighs (R/L): 22.25”/22.50”
Calves (R/L): 14.75”/14.75”
Arms Flexed (R/L): 16.50”/16.75”
My training will continue with my current plan, which is conjugate based. Max Effort Lower, Max Effort Upper, Dynamic Effort Lower, and Dynamic Effort Upper. I’m not a powerlifter, but based on anecdotal evidence observed over my decades, strength is of primary importance. It is my priority. Mobility, explosiveness, power, flexibility, endurance, low resting heart rate, hypertrophy…yep, all are very important and all contribute to athleticism and longevity. And all should be trained. But by the definition of priority, only ONE can be at the top. For me, strength is king.
I train in my basement, alone. And I train in the mornings, long before anyone or anything can get in the way. I’ve gathered equipment over the many years from garage sales, eBay, FB Marketplace, various websites, and I’ve made some things. Living in Alabama, it’s hot and humid for most of the year, so weather is never too bad to make me miss a session.
I will be doing 10 scoops of MD Protein/ day, along with 5 Flameout, 2 Micellar Curcumin, and 1 Superfood. I will use 1 scoop of Surge Workout Fuel Pre- and Intra-workout. As well as 1 scoop of Mag 10 Post-workout. And lots of cold water, of course.
My HSMs will be based around a meat (beef, seafood, chicken), carbs (rice, potatoes), and a veggie. Maybe.
Photos incoming as soon as I can get to it. And I will post my training logs as best I can.
Oh, and I’m assuming black coffee and green tea can be consumed as needed/desired? As long as not to interfere with sleep. So I will cease useage by 15:00, at the latest.
Let’s go!