Hello Everyone I am new here and looking forward to hearing other peoples opinions on TRT.
I have been on TRT for 10 years. I am 58 years old and not out of shape. I have been bodybuilding and lifting for over 40 years. I am currently 208lbs 5’9 and I work out 5 days a week and do cardio 30 minute a day as well. I weigh all my meals and eat clean. No processed foods etc.
I live at 5600ft above sea level. My hematocrit and hemoglobin usually run high.
I usually donate blood at red cross every 58 days. I know its a controversial subject to donate blood because it can crash your ferritin. I have crashed mine in the past down to 4. I have had two instances over the years that I had to have phlebotomies.
My hematocrit got up to 59.9 and hemoglobin 19.8
my rbc 6.92 that was november of 2023
my last results are from Dec 2023
Hematocrit 56.4
hemoglobin 18.1
rbc 6.37
PLT 182 scale 135- 372
TSH 4.03 scale 0.36 - 3.74
my ferritin was 40 as of Nov 2023
EPO was tested as well was 13.6 Scale 2.6 - 18.5
Now I was on 140mg Test C split into 3 shots a week MWF I have since lowered to 120mg. I will be testing soon again to see where my levels are.
But at 140Mg my
TT was 773 Scale 250-1100
FT was 220 Scale 35-155
SHBG was 26.6 Scale 22-77
I just started taking Nattokinase and upped my fish oil to 6 grams a day.
I have a CPAP I started wearing last July for mild sleep apnea.
I do urinate a lot sometimes at night and am probably dehydrated often. I do try and drink more water an electrolytes.
Well that’s my long story, I am sure there are things I left out to complete the picture. If there are any other things I need to add please let me know.
My doctor is retiring this year and I am searching for a new one.
Any tips or any advice on this is greatly appreciated.