hey all. So I love the gym, and I hate not going to the gym. I always hear, you need a day off each day. But I don’t understand why, if you are giving yourself 24 hours to recover (for the CNS to recover) and training different bodyparts (allowing 3 days at least between each body part’s session).
So the last month I have trained everyday. Different bodyparts, alllowing atleast 72 hours between each bodypart before training again. I have been eating like crazy and resting the rest of the day.
The results? strength and weight are up like crazy.I dont feel overtrained at all.
Not alone, but I wouldn’t do what you’re doing for too much longer. Going with a lot of volume and working out on a frequent basis to up strength and size is fine for a short time as long as you’re eating enough, but eventually your body will need to recover and take a break. At some point, I’d personally recommend switching to a full-body three day split or something like that for a little while.
What kind of weights are you training with? I ask because the CNS taxation will largely depend on the weight you are throwing around. There’s no way I could train every day right now, although when I first started training, I was able to get in 6-7 days a week without burning out. Just make sure that you pay attention to how your feeling to make sure you’re aware of CNS fatigue if it strikes.
Yeah definitely, these guys have it right though… Too long and you will burn out eventually.
I am the same - too motivated at times! I like to train daily during those periods and then i like to have time off (a week) and/or go to a low volume program to supercompensate.
It is a proven method that does work for me.
Cycle your workouts in all ways, the volume, intensity, frequency - that way you get the best of ALL worlds!
If it’s working, stick to it. And your split seems to have enough rest built in. If you’re able to keep up with the routine, great. Demand a lot of your body and it will change. However, if things change - work, stress, age, putting up crazy weights, adapting to your routine - you’ll need change things up.
That being said, 1 day off is probably good and might keep your gains going longer.
Thanks guys, I am female so I will refrain from posting my weights for fear of criticism. I am just going to keep listening to my body and I will rest when it tells me I need to.
I am just surprised by the results I am getting because I am hitting it hard 7 days a week and getting stronger and bigger, whereas before I was not and was resting more. My diet and sleeping are really up to par right now and I am sure that is contributing.
I’ll be careful though and not get too cocky. I know my body will tell me when it is time for a break, and I will be sure and take it when it tells me.
Yeah, you can do that with bodybuilding split routines. That’s one of the reasons they’re popular. Deloads are more important for athletes who incur larger amounts of CNS fatigue.
[quote]skinnymuscles wrote:
Thanks guys, I am female so I will refrain from posting my weights for fear of criticism. I am just going to keep listening to my body and I will rest when it tells me I need to.
I am just surprised by the results I am getting because I am hitting it hard 7 days a week and getting stronger and bigger, whereas before I was not and was resting more. My diet and sleeping are really up to par right now and I am sure that is contributing.
I’ll be careful though and not get too cocky. I know my body will tell me when it is time for a break, and I will be sure and take it when it tells me. [/quote]
I tend to not train the first day i don’t “really feel like it” and then straight away add 2-3 off days a week for a couple or 3 weeks then, if i want to - i go right back to high freq/volume.
But it works great for me in this way… - as i get used to it, burning a high level of calories to get a certain training response… THEN swapping to an ABSOUTE OPPOSITE frequency and volume, i PACK on the size (may not be what you want, i dunno but could be edited and utilized for your own purpose…?)… swole man. naaahhtameen?