All was going well with my “getting my lost strength back” training until last Monday.
Then I got buried on my final set of squats last Monday with a weight that I shouldn’t have. I was achy as hell the next day and decided to skip my GPP training and rest. Came in fresh on Wednesday (or so I thought) then got buried with the first set of squats.
What the hell?
Then Thursday came around and I was achier than I could ever remember. I attributed it to training. I decided to skip my GPP workout again, and back off on the weight for Friday. But then Friday came and I was feeling even worse and was basically a zombie, so I said to myself, “self, you must be overtraining or something… maybe time a for a long weekend and to hit it fresh on Monday.”
But then Saturday came, the aches were worse and then the bazooka barfing, fever and diarrhea started. Sunday I the fever abated (as did the vomiting and diarrhea), but now the headaches kicked in hardcore and I felt like I was being stabbed in the middle/upper back with a couple big knives.
Finally yesterday came and I felt tired, but no pain. Today I feel normal. I am considering whether to try to do something light in the gym today to see how I feel or whether to give it a couple more days to see make sure I am 100%.
God I hate getting sick.