'I Hate All Iranians' - US Aide

I hate all Iranians, US aide tells MPs
By SIMON WALTERS - More by this author » Last updated at 21:26pm on 29th September 2007

Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America’s stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush’s senior women officials: “I hate all Iranians.”

And she also accused Britain of “dismantling” the Anglo-US-led coalition in Iraq by pulling troops out of Basra too soon.

The all-party group of MPs say Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defence Secretary Robert Gates, made the comments this month.

The six MPs were taken aback by the hardline approach of the Pentagon and in particular Ms Cagan, one of Mr Bush’s foreign policy advisers.

She made it clear that although the US had no plans to attack Iran, it did not rule out doing so if the Iranians ignored warnings not to develop a nuclear bomb.

It was her tone when they met her on September 11 that shocked them most.

The MPs say that at one point she said: “In any case, I hate all Iranians.”

Although it was an aside, it was not out of keeping with her general demeanour.

“She seemed more keen on saying she didn’t like Iranians than that the US had no plans to attack Iran,” said one MP. “She did say there were no plans for an attack but the tone did not fit the words.”

Another MP said: “I formed the impression that some in America are looking for an excuse to attack Iran. It was very alarming.”

Tory Stuart Graham, who was on the ten-day trip, would not discuss Ms Cagan but said: “It was very sobering to hear from the horse’s mouth how the US sees the situation.”

Ms Cagan, whose job involves keeping the coalition in Iraq together, also criticised Britain for pulling out troops.

“She said if we leave the south of Iraq, the Iranians will take it over,” said one MP.

Another said: “She is very forceful and some of my colleagues were intimidated by her muscular style.”

The MPs also saw Henry Worcester, Deputy Director of the Office of Iranian Affairs, who said he favoured talks with Iran.

The Pentagon denied Ms Cagan said she “hated” Iranians.

“She doesn’t speak that way,” said an official.

But when The Mail on Sunday spoke to four of the six MPs, three confirmed privately that she made the remark and one declined to comment. The other two could not be contacted.

That is going too far. War IS coming but it should be a war of liberation.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
That is going too far. War IS coming but it should be a war of liberation.[/quote]

You mean a possibly unwanted possibly wanted invasion of liberation.

The MPs say that at one point she said: “In any case, I hate all Iranians.”

She then said “Leave Britney alone!”

What “she” are you talking about? That is a man.

It sounds to me like an effete group of British politicians were intimidated by an agressive american woman.
Unless we can find another source to verify this story, I’m afraid it has to be considered unreliable. Here is a little tip: Politicians sometimes lie.

[quote]BH6 wrote:
It sounds to me like an effete group of British politicians were intimidated by an agressive american woman.
Unless we can find another source to verify this story, I’m afraid it has to be considered unreliable. Here is a little tip: Politicians sometimes lie.[/quote]

Maybe, but she is even lying about her sex.

Notice that she covers her throat.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
That is going too far. War IS coming but it should be a war of liberation.[/quote]


America is already stretched thin. You’re gonna need a draft in order to go in Iran.

You volunteering?

[quote]unbending wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
That is going too far. War IS coming but it should be a war of liberation.


America is already stretched thin. You’re gonna need a draft in order to go in Iran.

You volunteering?[/quote]

Yes. I’d love to go. Defending the greatest country in history, the first country built upon human rights and freedom, liberating the wonderful people of Iran — I’d love it!!

I think that because the Aide in question is both Ugly and American, we should assume that she is racist and filled with hatred for all shades of brown.

Furthermore, we should assume that since the MPs in question are British, Un-named, and Not Pictured, that they are completely reliable sources of information.

Case closed.

[quote]jlesk68 wrote:

I hate all Iranians, US aide tells MPs
By SIMON WALTERS - More by this author » Last updated at 21:26pm on 29th September 2007

Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America’s stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush’s senior women officials: “I hate all Iranians.”

And she also accused Britain of “dismantling” the Anglo-US-led coalition in Iraq by pulling troops out of Basra too soon.

The all-party group of MPs say Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defence Secretary Robert Gates, made the comments this month.

The six MPs were taken aback by the hardline approach of the Pentagon and in particular Ms Cagan, one of Mr Bush’s foreign policy advisers.

She made it clear that although the US had no plans to attack Iran, it did not rule out doing so if the Iranians ignored warnings not to develop a nuclear bomb.

It was her tone when they met her on September 11 that shocked them most.

The MPs say that at one point she said: “In any case, I hate all Iranians.”

Although it was an aside, it was not out of keeping with her general demeanour.

“She seemed more keen on saying she didn’t like Iranians than that the US had no plans to attack Iran,” said one MP. “She did say there were no plans for an attack but the tone did not fit the words.”

Another MP said: “I formed the impression that some in America are looking for an excuse to attack Iran. It was very alarming.”

Tory Stuart Graham, who was on the ten-day trip, would not discuss Ms Cagan but said: “It was very sobering to hear from the horse’s mouth how the US sees the situation.”

Ms Cagan, whose job involves keeping the coalition in Iraq together, also criticised Britain for pulling out troops.

“She said if we leave the south of Iraq, the Iranians will take it over,” said one MP.

Another said: “She is very forceful and some of my colleagues were intimidated by her muscular style.”

The MPs also saw Henry Worcester, Deputy Director of the Office of Iranian Affairs, who said he favoured talks with Iran.

The Pentagon denied Ms Cagan said she “hated” Iranians.

“She doesn’t speak that way,” said an official.

But when The Mail on Sunday spoke to four of the six MPs, three confirmed privately that she made the remark and one declined to comment. The other two could not be contacted. [/quote]

Man, that’s one ugly bitch right there!

[quote]pat36 wrote:
Man, that’s one ugly bitch right there![/quote]

Yeah, looks like she got hit by one of those red busses. Maybe’s she’s there to scare the Brit politicians.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Yes. I’d love to go. Defending the greatest country in history, the first country built upon human rights and freedom, liberating the wonderful people of Iran — I’d love it!! [/quote]

I respect American ideals as much as the next fellow, but “first country built upon human rights and freedom” is pushing it.

Need I remind you of black folks and native Americans?

An honest proposal.
Since you are so eager to once gain lick the war machine’s shiny metal asshole, why don’t you just invade… BURMA?

That would be a real act of worldpolicemanship and a whole nation would be eternally greatful- for kicking out the fat kleptocratic generals.

-You can oil up the war machine again!
-You could downplay the exit from Iraq in the media!
-Imagine the photos of senile monks giving GI Joe some weird form of buddhistic blessing. Or lotus-adorned M1 Abrams cruising peacefuly through the picturesque narrow alleys of Rangoon- priceless!
-You’d make up for Nam.
-there is some natural gas involved for your national mascot, Halliburton.

-China’s next door. Won’t like it. Perhaps you could sell of Taiwan?
-India will be pissed as well.
-You past wars in the far east were kinda suboptimal. Perhaps the asians are just stronger?

[quote]lixy wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Yes. I’d love to go. Defending the greatest country in history, the first country built upon human rights and freedom, liberating the wonderful people of Iran — I’d love it!!

I respect American ideals as much as the next fellow, but “first country built upon human rights and freedom” is pushing it.

Need I remind you of black folks and native Americans?[/quote]

Did they build countries based upon human rights and freedoms before the US?

[quote]Schwarzfahrer wrote:
An honest proposal.
Since you are so eager to once gain lick the war machine’s shiny metal asshole, why don’t you just invade… BURMA?

That would be a real act of worldpolicemanship and a whole nation would be eternally greatful- for kicking out the fat kleptocratic generals.


Is there oil in Burma? Look, we do have limits so we only can liberate if there’s something there for us. We are very benevolent but there is a limit afterall. Oil is essential for western civilisation.

Hell, you’re recent ancestors were willing to go across Poland, Ukraine, and down into the Don Basin after oil. It truly is black gold.

But the freedom, the freedom!

P.S.: Headhunter, Birma has some natural gas and oil.

[edit]…you could steal.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Schwarzfahrer wrote:
An honest proposal.
Since you are so eager to once gain lick the war machine’s shiny metal asshole, why don’t you just invade… BURMA?

That would be a real act of worldpolicemanship and a whole nation would be eternally greatful- for kicking out the fat kleptocratic generals.

Is there oil in Burma? Look, we do have limits so we only can liberate if there’s something there for us. We are very benevolent but there is a limit afterall. Oil is essential for western civilisation.

Hell, you’re recent ancestors were willing to go across Poland, Ukraine, and down into the Don Basin after oil. It truly is black gold.


And that is what it comes back to, American Soldiers dying for oil (corporate interests at its finest).

If every asshole that talked about freedom and democracy really believed it, we would be in Burma yesterday helping the TENS OF THOUSANDS of people protesting and getting merciless slaughtered by their government.

Last I checked that was not happening in Iran…

[quote]Ren wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Schwarzfahrer wrote:
An honest proposal.
Since you are so eager to once gain lick the war machine’s shiny metal asshole, why don’t you just invade… BURMA?

That would be a real act of worldpolicemanship and a whole nation would be eternally greatful- for kicking out the fat kleptocratic generals.

Is there oil in Burma? Look, we do have limits so we only can liberate if there’s something there for us. We are very benevolent but there is a limit afterall. Oil is essential for western civilisation.

Hell, you’re recent ancestors were willing to go across Poland, Ukraine, and down into the Don Basin after oil. It truly is black gold.

And that is what it comes back to, American Soldiers dying for oil (corporate interests at its finest).


Wow, the Left in this country has sure captured young American minds. Since when is it a BAD thing to go after oil? Oil is what makes our civilisation possible. Is it somehow immoral for you to breathe, to eat, to live? You have to DO those things. Oil is beyond essential to us; it defines us.

Unless you want to go back to living in a log cabin and scratching at the ground for your sustenance, we need oil. Drum that into your head. Wars will and are being fought over it. It is the blood of our civilisation.

That being said: we are now supposed to respect the ‘rights’ of mullahs and morons who used to curse the oil, who thought it a curse from Allah, who couldn’t develop a viable industrial civilisation if their very lives depended on it? For those who finally stole the oil fields from the British and Americans, who had turned their goat partures into trillions of dollars?

Fuck 'em. If they won’t sell the oil (which they stole), the United States has the right to reclaim stolen assets, like any good cop should do.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Wow, the Left in this country has sure captured young American minds. Since when is it a BAD thing to go after oil? Oil is what makes our civilisation possible. Is it somehow immoral for you to breathe, to eat, to live? You have to DO those things. Oil is beyond essential to us; it defines us.

Unless you want to go back to living in a log cabin and scratching at the ground for your sustenance, we need oil. Drum that into your head. Wars will and are being fought over it. It is the blood of our civilisation.

That being said: we are now supposed to respect the ‘rights’ of mullahs and morons who used to curse the oil, who thought it a curse from Allah, who couldn’t develop a viable industrial civilisation if their very lives depended on it? For those who finally stole the oil fields from the British and Americans, who had turned their goat partures into trillions of dollars?

Fuck 'em. If they won’t sell the oil (which they stole), the United States has the right to reclaim stolen assets, like any good cop should do.


And there are people in this forum who whine the european posters are unfair about the US…

U wont find authors who write bestsellers with fascist rhetoric like that in europe.