I got a "ticket" from Marcy Pro fitness equipment!

So I had a complex question from this company that the average call center worker couldnt answer off the top of their head. I emailed them, and they sent me a “ticket” which i should be able to use to contact them somehow. What the hell is this “email ticket” I had nfidea what i was looking at! This was a whole back. Not quite sure if i can even dig up that old email…

Ok. This probably requires a phone call.

You ever stop and think that maybe some thoughts can stay inside your head? :joy:


Sometimes when a regular customer service rep can’t help on a call, they pass it up the chain by starting a “ticket”. This is usually sent on to someone with more advanced knowledge and abilities to resolve the ticket.

In the email will likely be a reference number so that when you call again you can reference the ticket number and they can direct the call properly.

I became familiar with these terms because Wife was an operations manager for a call center for several years.

So there ya go.


Never heard of a service ticket before? Modern day version of going to DMV and grabbing a ‘number’.


So i think my buddy skyzzyks gave the answer that will save me

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You believe him?

I wouldn’t trust that Slingblade lookin’ mf’r.

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Don’t trust anyone from a sylvania or Kentucky.


Ill test it out