I Found this Hysterical

I apologize if this has already been posted but I found myself crying watching this, particularly the first 2 minutes. Check it out

New Kid meets powerlifter

That was pretty damn funny. I like how at the end, the the “new kid” decides he wants to look good without getting strong, so he’ll take steroids and tells the powerlifter he doesn’t know shit because he’s seen bodybuilders bigger than him. But the bigger guys must know what they are talking about, right?

[quote]dankid wrote:
That was pretty damn funny. I like how at the end, the the “new kid” decides he wants to look good without getting strong, so he’ll take steroids and tells the powerlifter he doesn’t know shit because he’s seen bodybuilders bigger than him. But the bigger guys must know what they are talking about, right?[/quote]
Big doesn’t mean strong. There are girls in Russia and China stronger than you at 40 or more lbs lighter.

I’d love to hear Rip’s response to this LOL

[quote]Tim Henriques wrote:
I apologize if this has already been posted but I found myself crying watching this, particularly the first 2 minutes. Check it out

New Kid meets powerlifter

normal kid meets a powerlifter - YouTube [/quote]

I don’t know what’s funnier…
The parody of “new kids” and “powerlifters” or the serious arguments about it that are gonna follow on this thread.

“Squats cure cancer”

It’s been doing the rounds where I train too, I bet I am not the only person who was reminded of some older powerlifters from that video.

Most of the stuff the powerlifter says are quotes by Mark Rippetoe. There are more great quotes here: http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/Quotes

That was funny as hell. Made my day.

This is even funnier - 2 Crossfitters 1 Chalk Bucket - YouTube

not bad Hanley… didn’t know all those douchebags at the York U gym for all those years… they weren’t just wasting time, occupying space and disrupting the workouts of everyone else… they were serious crosfiters, brah :wink:

Both of these videos were great. I definitely sent the second one to my friend who does crossfit.

“I’m gonna juice up and lift”

Haha this was one Dave Tate’s Facebook page a while ago

that him!! Again!!

That was totally awesome

[quote]Hanley wrote:
This is even funnier - 2 Crossfitters 1 Chalk Bucket - YouTube


“I totally talked down to this guy and made him feel small because I’m obviously superior, since I do Crossfit workouts. I’m like a goddamn Navy Seal and Olympic gold medalist wrapped in a fucking suit of body armor! I’m fucking elite!”

“Did you bang her?
-Are you fucking kidding me.I didn’t go to Vegas,you fucking retard. Why the fuck would I go somewhere where I can’t stay Paleo?”


“can squats cure cancer?”


i enjoyed the video

haha “i’m gonna go get juiced now” “so i’ll either end up dead or a governor of a US state”