I Don't Like Sleeping

I’ve read columns and posts about how I should get 8-9 hours nightly and possibly a short nap during the day but I just don’t really like to sleep. I always get a burst of energy at night and then I’m up past midnight either horsing around or watching tv. Then I have to wake up at 6 for work so on a good night I get 6 hours of sleep. Without getting some psuedo-science b.s., how much sleep do ya’ll actually get and do you think an extra 2-3 hours would be beneficial?

Let me clarify, I’m asking about your personal sleep patterns, not something you have read.

I also hate sleep, you’re unproductive and look like your dead.
I get about 6 hours a night unless I have been training intensely then I need more.
Love naps.

I know a guy who sleeps 3-4 hours a night and he seems fine. Me on the other hand, i sleep about 9-10 hours a night.

I think some people just sleep more than others.

[quote]travis7 wrote:

Let me clarify, I’m asking about your personal sleep patterns, not something you have read.[/quote]

usually i sleep 6 hours.
i work from 8 to 23, than a couple of hours of fun or study than sleep.

in the week end i cn sleep more and i do, from 10 to 12 hours, even 14 sometimes

now i am on “holiday” from my main job so i can sleep 10 hours and i feel “great” :smiley:

I sleep no more than 6 hours a night, usually closer to 4 or 5. I never have needed a lot of sleep.

I would eliminate sleep entirely if I could.

[quote]sikunt wrote:
I know a guy who sleeps 3-4 hours a night and he seems fine. Me on the other hand, i sleep about 9-10 hours a night.

I think some people just sleep more than others.[/quote]

if i dont train i need just 3-4 hours…

however you are right. sleep needs change from person to person

I sleep 6-7 hours a night during the week and probably 10 hours on weekends. If I could I would sleep more during the week but it just doesnt happen.

I go anywhere from 5 to 7 hours during the week, depending on whether or not I get up to workout. I prefer 7 hours and can function quite well on it. Less than 6 hours and I feel it. If I go several days at 5 hours or less, I end up getting sick.

I would love to have an afternoon power nap, but no one respects a closed door to my office. I usually pick up an additional 30 minutes sleep during commuting.

Admittedly, I feel like I recover better with 8-9 hours sleep, but that only happens once or twice every couple of months.