I Did It :)

I’m sure I’ll get flamed and have a bunch of unbelievers but i have to share with some people that can appreciate it. Since most of my other friends don’t lift and dont get it.

But today.

I did a 1 arm pullup :slight_smile:

Wasn’t from a deadhang unfortunately… I was doing 1 arm negatives and felt really strong when i got to the bottom so I decided to just go for it, and when i pulled it kept going up and up and up

tried it on my other arm…same thing

Very happy with myself right now, just had to share

I never realized how hard these are until I tried a few weeks ago. I got about 6 inches then my grip gave way and my bicep went into convultions for 20 minutes. Nice job.

Congratulations Xen Nova,

I was working on a 1 arm for a while, but have been focusing almost entirely on planches and front levers as of late.

May I ask what exercises you found to be most beneficial towards achieving a 1 arm?

Good training,


Nothing quite like meeting a goal, reaching a milestone, etc.

Good job Xen.


Congrats, now where’s the video? :wink:

Yeah! sweet!

I did a lot of 1 arm negatives never went over 3 reps for them, i would just rest and load up on sets

immediately after i would do weighted pullups, 5-6 reps 30-60s rest. Used different hand variations for each set.

sometimes when i would do weighted pullups, i would only do the “up” part and no negatives. So Just pullup with the weight and let go. That usually left me fresher for the rest of my workout. especially since i already did negatives previously

if i did really shitty on my negatives that day i’d go to the lat pulldown machine and a shitload of sets/reps with bodyweight.

I really only trained it 1-2x a week.

my grip was a problem before. i got an ivanko supergripper and thats been working out great.

Also for the past couple months i only had access to a gym maybe once a week. So i would just use shit i had around the house.

barbell with maybe 150lbs of weights
sandbag i built (used army sack, goes up to about 250lbs of sand)
dragging sled
35# dumbbells

So I work on a lot of odd lifting shit, and doing intervals with the implements and high rep power cleans/ power snatches. as well as gripwork, and the gripwork i got from the dragging sled and sandbag.

I didn’t think i got any bigger, but i’ve been getting compliments on how big my neck and shoulders are lol

i’m 180ish (178 to be exact) around 10-11%bf. so no heavyweight, that definitely helped.

but anyway… grip work + negatives + weighted pullups + lowbody fat= 1 arm chin.

If i can keep the relative strength i’d like to get up to 190 and eventually 2bills.

I’ll be working on doing it from a deadhang now

[quote]SWR-1240 wrote:
Congrats, now where’s the video? ;)[/quote]

as soon as i get someone with a video camera (or 1 myself) who knows how to put it on the internet and shit i’m actually going to make a lil website with lifts, tricking, racing, grappling tourneys, some jackass type stunts, and other shit ive done/do.

so…video coming soon :-p

(if i spent a lil less time in the gym, eating, or sleeping… and was a lil more social i might have found somebody who can do all that shit by now haha )

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
I did a lot of 1 arm negatives never went over 3 reps for them, i would just rest and load up on sets

immediately after i would do weighted pullups, 5-6 reps 30-60s rest. Used different hand variations for each set.

sometimes when i would do weighted pullups, i would only do the “up” part and no negatives. So Just pullup with the weight and let go. That usually left me fresher for the rest of my workout. especially since i already did negatives previously

if i did really shitty on my negatives that day i’d go to the lat pulldown machine and a shitload of sets/reps with bodyweight.

I really only trained it 1-2x a week.

my grip was a problem before. i got an ivanko supergripper and thats been working out great.

Also for the past couple months i only had access to a gym maybe once a week. So i would just use shit i had around the house.

barbell with maybe 150lbs of weights
sandbag i built (used army sack, goes up to about 250lbs of sand)
dragging sled
35# dumbbells

So I work on a lot of odd lifting shit, and doing intervals with the implements and high rep power cleans/ power snatches. as well as gripwork, and the gripwork i got from the dragging sled and sandbag.

I didn’t think i got any bigger, but i’ve been getting compliments on how big my neck and shoulders are lol

i’m 180ish (178 to be exact) around 10-11%bf. so no heavyweight, that definitely helped.

but anyway… grip work + negatives + weighted pullups + lowbody fat= 1 arm chin.

If i can keep the relative strength i’d like to get up to 190 and eventually 2bills.

I’ll be working on doing it from a deadhang now[/quote]

Great job. I need to get back on this project, although I’m getting to heavy for it to be all that viable.

Also, great choice on the ivanko super gripper. You may be interested in this link I found a few years ago when I got it. It has a chart with rough values for various spring positions.


Good Job! Yes, they are hard. For some reason, I can do it with my left arm but not my right.

Congrats, that’s impressive. Maybe a distant goal of mine. Looking forward to the video.

Sweet, those are hard as hell to do.

Awsome, they are goddam hard. I can get 1 and about a half each arm but wow they are hard.

Good job , I know what its like when you hit something great and all your non lifting friends just dont understand lol.

Nice, man, nice. I used to hit 2 per arm, but I can now only get them with my left. My right arm isn’t healed to the point where I can do them again, but I’ll get back to that point.

Way to go.

I’m curious what your 1RM two rm pullup weight is? Can you do a pullup with bodyweight (178 pounds) attached?


Been a long time since i did one but the way i learned was to grab the bar with my right ang grab my right wrist with my leFt hand.As you get better at this slid the left further down the forearm till you are almost doing one.

You did it and I’d Hit IT !

: P


I’m looking foward to the video stunts.

Congrats bud, it’s always nice to see someone who has trained with a goal reach it

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
I’m sure I’ll get flamed and have a bunch of unbelievers but i have to share with some people that can appreciate it. Since most of my other friends don’t lift and dont get it.

But today.

I did a 1 arm pullup :slight_smile:

Wasn’t from a deadhang unfortunately… I was doing 1 arm negatives and felt really strong when i got to the bottom so I decided to just go for it, and when i pulled it kept going up and up and up

tried it on my other arm…same thing

Very happy with myself right now, just had to share


How many weeks/months were you doing the negatives? I can do 2 second negatives and partial reps at different joint angles. I am gonna try the 1/4 reps that Chad had suggested for “releasing the break”

Unfortunately I think my tendons are what are holding me back now.

You should change your name to Chin Nova.

Couldn’t resist.