I,Bodybuilder While in a Calorie Deficit

Coach, In the reading I have been doing i came across articles/posts where you said that training with a bodypart specialization routine is the best way to preserve, if not gain, muscle whilst cutting bodyfat.

With this in mind, would I,Bodybuilder be a sensible routine to follow while in a slight calorie deficit (i seem to remember one of the test subjects followed the routine while cutting - i understand that they were in an untrained state and therefore may have experienced fat loss and muscle gain simultaneously for this reason).

Equally, i understand that I,Bodybuilder is a Radical Hypertrophy program and i appreciate that in using a calorie deficit i will not experience the full potential which i could receive from the program. However, my primary goal is improving body composition and i am not interested in putting on significant additional size at the moment.

Also, i was wondering whether you could make any dietary recommendations for me whilst pursuing said goal.
I am 212lbs, 13-14% bodyfat, 6ft 2 and 19 years old. The plan i was intending to use was consuming 300g protein,
75 grams carbs (in the pre workout period - along with additional unrecorded protein), 90 grams of fat spread equally across 7 feedings.

Food wise i was intending on using beef, venison, chicken, tuna, mackeral and whey for protein, Maltodextrin, Dextrose and Palatinose for carbs and fats would either be obtained from the meat or added using olive oil and nuts. Vegetables would be spinach, brocilli, cucumber, asparagus, celery at will with each feeding.

Thankyou for your time.

[quote]jonny142 wrote:
Coach, In the reading I have been doing i came across articles/posts where you said that training with a bodypart specialization routine is the best way to preserve, if not gain, muscle whilst cutting bodyfat. With this in mind, would I,Bodybuilder be a sensible routine to follow while in a slight calorie deficit (i seem to remember one of the test subjects followed the routine while cutting - i understand that they were in an untrained state and therefore may have experienced fat loss and muscle gain simultaneously for this reason). Equally, i understand that I,Bodybuilder is a Radical Hypertrophy program and i appreciate that in using a calorie deficit i will not experience the full potential which i could receive from the program. However, my primary goal is improving body composition and i am not interested in putting on significant additional size at the moment.

Also, i was wondering whether you could make any dietary recommendations for me whilst pursuing said goal.
I am 212lbs, 13-14% bodyfat, 6ft 2 and 19 years old. The plan i was intending to use was consuming 300g protein,
75 grams carbs (in the pre workout period - along with additional unrecorded protein), 90 grams of fat spread equally across 7 feedings. Food wise i was intending on using beef, venison, chicken, tuna, mackeral and whey for protein, Maltodextrin, Dextrose and Palatinose for carbs and fats would either be obtained from the meat or added using olive oil and nuts. Vegetables would be spinach, brocilli, cucumber, asparagus, celery at will with each feeding.

Thankyou for your time. [/quote]

I wouldn’t use IBB in a caloric deficit, it’s kinda missing the point and you might not recover from it. YES a few ‘‘test subjects’’ were on a fat loss diet BUT they were taking the Anaconda protocol, which greatly help with recovery. With the protocol, they were able to maintain their strength and size (even gain some) while on a caloric deficit, but I wouldn’t attempt the same approach without the protocol.

Ok, thanks for the speedy reply and for the advice.


In response to your recommendation i have managed to get my hands on the Anaconda protocol (Anaconda, FINiBARs, Alpha-GPC) and i intend to use then as recommended around each workout. My question is this: If i am to try losing bodyfat while following I,Bodybuilder and using the protocol how would i approach the rest of the diet.

My intention is to diet down for 5-8 weeks while completing phase 1 and some of phase 2 of the program, monitoring and regulating my diet as i progress, and then back to eating a high calorie diet during the legs phase (my most lagging bodypart) hoping that this may also create an anabolic rebound. I have read in the coaching forums your recommendations of a carb-cycling approach, would this still be the most effective approach to take?. In many of your articles and the other articles on this website and others I have gathered a mixed opinion on whether or not to include carbs in a fat-loss oriented diet, i was hoping you could give me some guidelines.

Thankyou again for your time and help.