I am Lost. I Need Help!

I have been racking my brain for 3 weeks now on which template I should use and have arrived at no conclusion. I just finished the intermediate phase of Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength program. I had great results with that system but I am no longer able to make weekly increases in weight and I am ready to start something which i know will provide me with consistent strength gains on a more long term (periodized) basis, enter the 5/3/1 program. I love the 5/3/1 program I have done it and had success with it in the past and am excited to put into play now that my strength has gotten where it should be. I just have no idea where to start.

So, in short, here’s the deal, I have looked at every template Jim has written about and these are the three i like most:

-Full body Full boring

-The original 5/3/1 N.O.V


-Original 5/3/1 with simplest strength template for assistance lifts.

The problem is they all seem to work for me and, yet, at the same time they all have their respective drawbacks that make them seen as though they wont work for me.

My goals are to continue to make strength gains on the four main lifts, look as though I am strong and not like the typical fat power lifter, and being able to perform and use the strength i have. there is nothing worse to me than being the guy who squats enough to break the bar but is so poorly conditioned he cant walk down the street.

In short: I want to be strong, look strong, and be able to perform strong.

Thanks for listening and for any input.

If you cannot make weekly progress, you have reached a point in your lifting where you need to focus on specific areas of your training at different times to continue to make steps towards your goals. Congratulations on your hard work paying off.

Pick a template which focusses on an area and yes, there will be a trade off, do that for a bit then move on to the next template which addresses the next focus area.

Don’t fall for the trap that you always train the same (or never change templates).

[quote]tsantos wrote:
If you cannot make weekly progress, you have reached a point in your lifting where you need to focus on specific areas of your training at different times to continue to make steps towards your goals. Congratulations on your hard work paying off.

Pick a template which focusses on an area and yes, there will be a trade off, do that for a bit then move on to the next template which addresses the next focus area.

Don’t fall for the trap that you always train the same (or never change templates).[/quote]
Good Advice. Thank you.

Have you looked into the 5/3/1 BBB Template? I think this program is perfect for increasing strength while using the assistance lifts to help with your weaknesses and/or tailor your looks/performance on a different exercise.

Supersetting your assistance exercises is a great way to keep your cardio solid as you will have your heart rate up for extended periods of time. I’m only a month into the BBB 3-month challenge, and have had strength gains and am starting to achieve a much more powerful look which I’m happy with.

Good luck!

Beware of overthinking. This has been the biggest thing hindering my process.

-Do the template which motivates you.

  • Choose the template right for your goals.
  • Change your focus a little after couple months. (For ex. Emphasis on mass, certain movements etc.)

Luckily I know follow these rules in my training (and have a training partners to keep me from doing something stupid).

I like first set last

Try this
Bench 5/3/1
Bench 5 x 5-8 with first training set
Pullups 2-5 reps between sets

Squats 5/3/1
Squat 5 x 5-8 with first training set
Pullups 2-5 reps between sets

Military Press 5/3/1
Military Press 5 x 5-8 with first training set
Pullups 2-5 reps between sets

Deadlifts 5/3/1
Deadlifts 5 x 5-8 with first training set

You can combine deadlifts and press day

Easy three day a week template. Throw some sprints, jogging or jumping rope in on the other days.

Add to echo whats been above- add some sprint intervals. Hit the treadmill on max incline walking, will kick your butt. I don’t like to use the lifting for “conditioning”. Lifting is for the muscle.

Clean up your diet. reap the benefits of being consistent.

5Pro’s, FSL, two accessory from the book

Repeat until answer comes to you and alignés with your goals.

If you know your goal - choosing a 531 template is easy. When in doubt, do the new 531 with the 6 week training cycle found in the Beyond book. 531 should keep you from over thinking. It all works if you know the goal.

[quote]JFG wrote:
5Pro’s, FSL, two accessory from the book

Repeat until answer comes to you and alignés with your goals.

I have looked at this before and seems to be a viable answer. Can you elaborate a little, please. I have the beyond book but I don’t understand how to use the 5’s progression. Do I use it for the main lifts or for the assistance lifts?

Instead of doing 5/3/1 sets you do sets of 5 (Im every week). You may need to lower your TM.

You aren’t lost. You have fallen for the typical industry crap of “you can have it all, in only 2 days!”

To be strong, look strong and be in great shape doesn’t occur with one template or one “way”. Just about every template I have written allows for great strength to be built and allow for conditioning work. Combine this with PROPER food and consistency, you’ll be fine.

This should all sound familiar. As to what you should do now, the Beyond book explains the 6 week cycle and various templates. And how you should switch every 6 weeks.