Hypertension Nutrition

Anybody know any good books on nutrition geared towards athletes with hypertension? I know there are a lot of generic books for hypertension, but it’s the basics stay away from sodium and foods that are high in sodium, just wondering if there was something more geared towards someone that works at a relatively high performance level and has “controlled” hypertension (I’ve been taking medication for a few years and my blood pressure has been low to normal while taking the medication).

Not familiar w/ any books specific to nutrition for hypertensive athletes. Is hard enough finding a legitimate sports nutrition book that isn’t just a carbohydrate love-fest, let alone nutrition books geared to special populations w/in the athletic community.

Your best source is to do some searches on PubMed (www.pubmed.gov). See if you can find any research specific that has been done in the area of interest. - c

Ok, thanks for the advice maybe I’ll have to write a book on the subject once I’ve done my research.