HST and Cardio

Hey all. I was just wondering if anyone had an idea of what kind of cardio would be good to use during HST. Would HIIT be a consideration or would it be better to perform old-fashioned(boring) cardio for about 20-30min? If this has been addressed, please let me know the name of the thread. I couldn’t find this topic when I searched the forum. Thanks for the anticipated response.


Joe, on the HST site http://www.hypertrophy-specific.com/ hst_index.html (remove any spaces)it says the following: “Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday are rest days. Light cardio (20-40 min.) may be performed on rest days. Incline treadmill (brisk walk) should be first choice.” So yeah, sounds like old fashioned boring cardio. :frowning:

Joe, I have done HIIT sessions on the off days with good results (not all of them). You should keep it variable between upper and lower body stuff. Sprints, Rope jumping, heavy bag work etc. You can also so some boring cardio and some HIIT stuff. Nothing is written in stone. As long as you can recover then it’s fine to do what you enjoy.
