I thought I would start a log to share my experience trying to restart my HPTA after a SARMs cycle (or else give in and go on TRT). I will try to post weekly logging doses, sides and any positive outcome.
About me and my situation: ~50 year old experienced lifter / powerlifter (used multiple AAS cycles in the 80’s and never touched anything in over 25 years. In May of 2016 I ran a SARMS cycle (Rad-140 and Ostarine) at doses much lower than recommended by lifters. The SARMS suppressed my T-level and Cholesterol significantly. I went from a 660 ng/dl Total T level (bloods taken in December '15) to 70 ng/DL after 10 weeks. Cholesterol tanked from 185 to 124 and HDL (the good Cholesterol) tanked from 97 to 35. LH ad FSH at the bottom end of normal (so I was still producing Test - though not a lot). All other bloods in range.
Tried PCT: I tried a PCT of Nolvadex running it for 3 weeks as follows (20/15/10 mg/day) starting in July… waited another month and got new bloods in late August… Not much changed - Total T was now 177 ng/DL, FSH / LH barely moved at all. Free T went from 35 to 55. Cholosterol mostly unchanged. All other bloods normal. So, either my HPTA is F’D due to my age or whatever and it can’t come back, or perhaps Nolvadex was not as strong an LH agonist as I thought, or I got bunk Nolva (got it on-line from a good source I thought) or some combination.
PCT Part 2: I decided to try another PCT in early September 2016 - this time using 50 mg Clomid and 20 mg Nolvadex daily. However - I started having severe anxiety and restlessness (which I assume from the Clomid). It was F-ing awful! I dropped everything - and still had anxiety issues for another week as the stuff was clearing my system.
Decision Time - HPTA Restart or TRT: Here’s the problem - and maybe some of you can relate. F-ing doctors fall into one of three categories: 1) completely unhelpful - to the point of admonishing me for running gear, 2) pro-TRT / anti-aging - basically telling me F-IT - go on TRT and don’t bother with this any more, or 3) have a ridiculous protocol - like wanted to put me on 150 mg of Clomid daily. My old college buddy, a Cardiologist, is in camp #2 above - and was good enough to get me an RX for Androgel, Adex and HCG. My plan is to run these compounds (likely w/o the Androgel) weekly and get bloods in a month and if T is up - go on Nolva or lower dose Clomid to see where I end up.
I just completed my first week. I’ll log the results and will continue weekly.
Week 1 the actual RX called for .5 Adex EOD, 500cc HCG EOD and 2 pumps Androgel (~50 mg T) Daily. However - for obvious reasons I tweaked the dose a bit (.5 Adex EOD is way too high IMO) so based on advice on this forum I did /25mg EOD and eased into the HCG. Actual dosing for the week was as follows:
HCG: 350cc / 500cc/ 350cc/ 500cc
Adex: .25/ .25 / .5
Adrogel - 2 pumps daily but stopped the last three days.
Side Effects. Early on - I noticed a correlation of increasing Anxiety and restlessness every time I pinned the HCG or applied Androgel. This was odd, especially on days of using Androgel with no HCG because I used Andro a bit here and there - when on the SARMs cycle - with no issues. Could it be my Estrogen rising - or was it just an effect of the SERMs - since they take a long time to clear. Who knows. By the end of the week, however, Anxiety is gone!
Physical / Mental Benefits: the last two days have been amazing! Having felt this great in years. It was a rocky start (with the anxiety) but since stopping the Androgel and just using the HCG and ADEX -I feel great. Cognitive function and engergy is great. Morning woods coming back and best of all - I noticed a HUGE increase in metabolism (similar to running MK677 if you are familiar with that compound). I can eat like a horse and not gain a pound. Workouts and pumps the last two days were phenomenal.
I’ll post back in a week and let you know how things go.
All the best.