After a six-week layoff last Spring (my longest period without lifting at all in years), I found CT’s “6 Weeks to Superhero” article and starting reading all the stuff he’s written. I did the 6 Weeks to Superhero program with solid gains (improved work capacity, regained strength, lost a few lbs), then did a 6-week cycle of HP Mass, which led to some of my best strength gains in years. Basically I’m as strong now at 177lbs as I was a couple years ago when I weighed 200.
Due to work / travel I had to switch to a lower-frequency 3x week program for a few weeks, but now I’m starting a new cycle of HP Mass, and want to customize it per my goals. I know customization is a tricky subject but I’m hoping I’m experienced enough at this point to do it intelligently and not mess up the program.
My goals are upper body strength and mass, with a focus on mass. Despite lifting for basically a decade now, in terms of pure muscle my physique is not impressive at all. For years I followed the advice of lifting for strength (full body 3x week) and eating to grow, and eventually I made it to 200 lbs bodyweight but I looked terrible. My shoulders are naturally narrow and I’m much more lower-body dominant, so while my squat and deadlift kept going up my bench struggled. I was “pear-shaped”, and kind of fat. I’ve dieted down now and as I mentioned my strength levels are good but my trunk is still thick and I don’t have a good V-shape.
Point being… I want to focus on upper body mass / strength and just maintain lower body strength without adding any mass. So I’m limiting the lower body work in HP Mass and adding Power Cleans and some additional back work based on the exercises I don’t want to completely stop doing. I’m 5’11, 177lbs, 30 years old.
Here is what I’m thinking:
Power Snatch warm-up
Push Press – ramp to MTW and wave load. Staggered with shrugs.
Incline Bench Press – ramp to MTW and wave load. Staggered with ab strap face pulls.
Bench Press – ramp to MTW and wave load. Staggered with rear delt flyes.
Farmer’s Walk – heavy – 1 set.
(Abs, first two weeks, blitz)
Power Snatch warm-up
Push Press – ramp to MTW and wave load. Staggered with shrugs.
Incline Bench Press – ramp to MTW and wave load. Staggered with ab strap face pulls.
Bench Press – ramp to MTW and wave load. Staggered with rear delt flyes.
Weighted Chin-ups, 3 x 6, add weight each week
Cable curls, superset Reverse / Wide Grip / Close Grip, 5 x 10
(Abs, first two weeks, blitz)
Neural Charge.
Clean / Press / Front Squat Complex, warm-up
Power Clean from Hang – ramp to MTW and wave load.
Push Press – ramp to MTW and wave load.
Front Squat – low volume, max effort.
Farmer’s Walk – heavy – 2 sets.
Kroc Rows – 3 x 15
(Abs, first two weeks, blitz)
Clean / Press / Front Squat Complex, warm-up
Power Clean from Hang – ramp to MTW and wave load.
Incline Bench Press – ramp to MTW and wave load. Staggered with ab strap face pulls.
Deadlift – low volume, max effort.
(Abs, first two weeks, blitz)
Thib Lat Pulldown, 6 x 10
WG Lat Pulldown / Straight Arm Pulldown superset, 4 x 10
Preacher Curls, 5 x 10, plus rest/pause or partials
Hammer Curls with hold, 5 x 10
Eccentric-less Circuit (I live in a city and my gym doesn’t have a sled.)
Drop Pull-ups
TRX Strap Low Pulls, re-set / minimize eccentric btw reps
TRX Strap Curls, re-set / minimize eccentric btw reps
DB Rows, drop weight btw reps
Farmer’s Walk – heavy – 3 sets
Back Squat – 1 set high reps (e.g. 225 x 20, try to add reps each week)
(Abs, first two weeks, blitz)
Neural Charge.
I also do a few sets of non-maximal pullups throughout each workout (e.g. one set between the main lifts), something like 3 x 15. (Except Neural Charge workouts).
I’m taking Plazma, 3 doses (one 20 minutes before workout, other two throughout workout). 1 dose MAG-10 an hour after training, very big meal 1 hour after that.
My plan is to do this for 6 weeks, then switch to Indigo Hypertrophy once work capacity and strength is up. But really I want to build muscle, and I’m at a time in my life right now where I can devote a lot of energy / time to it, so want to do everything possible.
Thanks for any feedback.