How's This for After Surgery?

Okay so I just got surgery for a pilonidal sinus, doc said no squats/deads for about 3 weeks. I’m just gonna not do any lower body work to speed up recovery and prevent the possibility of tearing open the wound. Anywas heres my push pull routine I’m thinking of doing. Each day is done twice a week.

Bench Press
Shoulder Press
DB Incline Bench Press
Cable Crossover (high 2 low)
Triceps Extensions (rope)

Chin Ups
Barbell Bent Over Row
Barbell Shrug
Barbell Curls
Cable Curls
DB Lateral Raise

Besides feedback the overall structure of the routine I have a few Q’s. The first is that I am trying to develop my chest, as it is deffinately lacking. Is my routine good enough for that? Also am I doing enough shoulder work on my push day? Also Im looking for 1 more exercise to hit my back as I want to maintain strength levels without being able to deadlift. Thanks

More importantly, what did your doctor say about it? If he said upperbody lifting is okay, then go ahead and lift. If he said don’t lift at all, then just lay off or ask if you can do bodyweight as three weeks is a small lay off.

As far as routines go, pick one from here: Do This Routine Instead of That Dumb One - Competitive Bodybuilding - Forums - T Nation

Bent over rows could be risky depending on how you do them. I’d replace them with something that doesn’t stretch your ass.