Yogi threw the first punch up there with his gratuitous condescension. His puerile fat jokes are probably what Tickle was referring to with “treating people like dirt.”
Is this what “Testosterone Nation” means? I hope it’s not a byproduct of testosterone not to be able to convey information effectively.
You are right… clearly tickletacktock is your real name and Chris Colucci is a pseudonym.
Effectively asking for more condescension. Most men are not receptive to advice from people who just insulted them.
especially from a person who, from all appearances, has no intention of being helpful
It wasn’t gratuitous (and it was hardly a “punch”). TTT’s post demonstrated a fundamental misunderstanding of what a keto diet should be. Again, it’s like if I talked about powerlifting but said I wasn’t training the big three.
Or it would demonstrate that he had the sack to say “How was I wrong?”
Again, Yogi just replied to TTT in a thread just a few days ago, very helpful and very straight forward, to a question that wasn’t flawed from the start.
Doesn’t even have to be. There are plenty of us floating around out there. One of us is a hockey-playing strength coach living in Japan, another is on trial for murder in Connecticut. Which one am I? I’m the one that snagged our name on twitter and as a URL. heehee.
Obviously the murderer in Connecticut… Yogi was condescending.
I think the biggest issue is that instead of guiding other people while the fumble around and try to learn, there are plenty of people, on this forum and in the world, that enjoy shitting all over other people.
The best advice might be to either talk with someone, not down to them, or don’t talk at all.
I think it was evident that there were some heated posts on either side but my post regarding “the nicest post” was directed at Yogi and I conveyed that inappropriately. It wasn’t directed at you or anyone else who has helped me. Sorry about that.
read my first post, moron. No condescension at all, to which I got a rude reply and decided to give what I got.
How nice of you to reach up into the OPs folds and give him a nice, tender hand job in his hour of need. I’m sure it cheered him right up.
you’re a fat, bloated whale carcass of a human who doesn’t understand keto.
Your last two posts speak for themselves in evidence of what I have said about you.
read any of my other posts, dickhead.
I help the people who deserve it. Not the tubby attitude wankers or their minders.
None of your posts in this thread would indicate to me that you are serious or helpful
But maybe you are just having a rough couple of days
had a great day, thanks. Woke up late, had a big breakfast, listened to the first Kiss album, got a little stoned then hit the gym.
yeah well who the fuck are you? Like I said, read any of the literal thousands of posts I’ve made on this site helping the people who aren’t dicks like you or your big fat boyfriend
Well “mutatis mutandis” I guess that means you and Chris are dating
Chris Colucci? Pullllllease! Have you seen how big and hairy he is? I much prefer a twink
Are you and TTT dating? You seem to care more than him…