Typing this on my iPhone after a 46 hour workaday for real. Please pardon anything less than perfect here.
I just plain like keto style eating. When not eating keto I literally feel a little queasy, gassy, and kinda sick. And I’m literally full of shit at that point So I want to stay “keto-ish”, but my understanding is that you just plain NEED carbs to transport protein I to muscle cells.
I’m confused here. How the hell can I keep my breads/starches/carbs low and stay keto-ish? Note that I’m not necessarily talking about testing positive on ketostix, just preventing that horrible feeling.
Stats: 32, 6’0", 265 roughly ~28% bf. I grew up a fat kid. I’ve tried all the bullshit then I did the math:
Your stomach is only gonna hold so much physical mass no matter what which means your cals will eventually break even (over years here) or you’ll operate at a deficit if training. If you grow to mass of X then fail to consume calories sufficient to maintain that mass yet train and eat properly including enough protein, eventually an equilibrium must be reached unless you’re somehow breaking the laws of physics I which case, we should talk. I want a time machine, dammit.
Joking aside, hope that makes sense. This is my present rationale behind my thinking: sure you’re big, just the wrong kind of big. YOU NEED MORE MUSCLE.
Okay so back to the point: I want to add more muscle but not much if any bodyfat. Keto sounds ideal until you consider that carb piece.
Now I’ve heard you can load carbs pre workout (but at what timing? 30 minutes, an hour? Depends on glycemic index? How do you know the right window for the carb type vs your metabolism?) then have protei. During the workout then protein plus carbs (again, GI questions repeated) post workout to fake it but this leaves me wondering two things:
Does that actually work?
If so, is it inferior to the typical high carb/protein, low fat diet we’re probably all used to seeing?
So. Yeah. I’m confused.
Lift wise right now I’m just focused on the big compound lifts - squats, deads, press, incline press, and whatever I can figure out for my back (that’s a totally different post though. No injuries, just confusion).
Appreciate any advice y’all can offer. Many thanks.