How To Train To Do This....

Check out this video:

at the end the guy does pushups with his feet in the air !!

how the hell can i learn to do that ?

amazing core strength obviously…

That’s just a planche push up. Coach Sommer has an article on planche and level progressions. Do a search and you should be able to find it. They are fun and you’ll be suprised how fast your strength goes up.

Yeah, that’s a wicked, wicked video. I thought it was fake for a long time. Turns out he’s for real.

I’d second the planche pushups and add some sort of gymnastic routine for all around balance and strength.

Wow; how many times is this video going to be circulated here.

Anyway… I have no help to offer, but the day you can replicate that guy, post it here with your training regime. It will be refreshing, inspiring and, best of all, new.