Hello guys, my name is Semi and I have my “first real diet” (at least i try to). First time i track caloeris for longer than 1 week^^ I am training now since 6 years, but i never tracked how much i ate, so i think it is too less cause i still look small (in my opinion)
I started in winter with a bulking phase, a really unclean and uncounted time… i gained from christmas till march about 15 kg (started with 85kg and at the end i had 100kg)
In this phase the main nutrient was carbs/sugar… I didnt check how much proteins or something. maybe stupid, but well i was really strong in this time
Since 2 month I am on diet.
i started with 2500kcal (which is too less, I know, I should started higher, but it was too late when i heard that!)
Since i started i lost about 9 kg. I am now at 91kg.
I didnt lose any strength … actually i got a lot stronger than I was in this bulking time. I think this is cause of the correct nutrients i am eating.
My diet started with that values and is still the same
200g protein - 800kcal (about 120g of it is protein poweder form myprotein , whey, casein and milk protein)
200g carbs - 800kcal (rice, and beans peas and vegetable)
100g fat - 900kcal (mainly peanuts, olive oil, parmesan and coconut oil from cooking)
So i lost a huge amount of fat and water. but now there is still the fat around the lower abs and the love handles.
My workout is following
I do push pull legs - try to hit everything 2 times and i take about 2:30 for 1 workout (not pure work… cause i talk a lot :P)
And no till now I do no cardio 3-5 sets of heavy 8-12 reps
I dont know how but i will give you some picutres that you see what my progress till now. (dont know where i can add them)
If you need more information for helping me with my question please ask:
So the question is should i still keep the same nutrients ratio or should i change something to achieve better results ?
Thank you in advance and sorry for my english if you find some mistakes
Best wishes