How to Proceed with Diet?

Hello guys, my name is Semi and I have my “first real diet” (at least i try to). First time i track caloeris for longer than 1 week^^ I am training now since 6 years, but i never tracked how much i ate, so i think it is too less cause i still look small (in my opinion)

I started in winter with a bulking phase, a really unclean and uncounted time… i gained from christmas till march about 15 kg (started with 85kg and at the end i had 100kg)
In this phase the main nutrient was carbs/sugar… I didnt check how much proteins or something. maybe stupid, but well i was really strong in this time

Since 2 month I am on diet.
i started with 2500kcal (which is too less, I know, I should started higher, but it was too late when i heard that!)
Since i started i lost about 9 kg. I am now at 91kg.
I didnt lose any strength … actually i got a lot stronger than I was in this bulking time. I think this is cause of the correct nutrients i am eating.

My diet started with that values and is still the same
200g protein - 800kcal (about 120g of it is protein poweder form myprotein , whey, casein and milk protein)
200g carbs - 800kcal (rice, and beans peas and vegetable)
100g fat - 900kcal (mainly peanuts, olive oil, parmesan and coconut oil from cooking)

So i lost a huge amount of fat and water. but now there is still the fat around the lower abs and the love handles.

My workout is following
I do push pull legs - try to hit everything 2 times and i take about 2:30 for 1 workout (not pure work… cause i talk a lot :P)
And no till now I do no cardio :slight_smile: 3-5 sets of heavy 8-12 reps

I dont know how but i will give you some picutres that you see what my progress till now. (dont know where i can add them)

If you need more information for helping me with my question please ask:

So the question is should i still keep the same nutrients ratio or should i change something to achieve better results ?

Thank you in advance and sorry for my english if you find some mistakes :slight_smile:

Best wishes


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One thing I would need is to see your exact meals, how you’re setting up your nutrient timing. Are you taking in carbs at the right times to utilize them around your workouts. Your fats are too high as well. I’d bump your protein up to 250g, Carbs can stay the same for now, and fat down to 60g. I’d start to implement LISS cardio, for example, incline walk on the treadmill 3x/week to start off. You can do it fasted or post workout, take ten minutes to get heart rate between 130-150 and one target HR is achieved, perform cardio for 30 minutes.

Hey man first at all thx for the answer!

ok my meals

7:00 First is Milk protein smooth (mix of whey and casein) 50g + ml 3% fat milk
9:00 50g peanuts
11:00 lunchtime at work

  • normally i go for 200g cooked rice, 220g chicken and 300g mixed frozen vegetables
  • Since 1 week now i changed and eat just now 150g tuna with a mixed salat with a lot of lentils and beans and green salat, add some olive oil and two boiled eggs ( i guess around 300g of lentils and 200g of beans and rest i dont know)
    Sometimes i cannot eat that stuff at once so i finish it around 1 hour later.

Than at around 15:00 i take a casein shake (50g)
go for training at around 16:00 sometimes later and drink my whey shake with water (50g)
for my workout i am usually there around 2 hours and 30 minutes and now also since 1 week i add 10 minutes of HIIT or 15 min of LISS as you said with the incline walk.

At around 20-21 i usually eat scrambled eggs made of 3 eggs add cheese and parmesan

THats actually it . i dont know about the timing and i dont know if it is right to get so much protein from shakes, but this is cheap and i have not that much money cause i am student :smiley:

PS: all the protein i get is from myprotein

Thx for your help mate !:slight_smile:

A picture would be good for reference, but I’d rearrange what you’re eating, and cut out one of the protein shakes you’re consuming.

I’d half what you eat for lunch, use the remaining half to switch with the breakfast shake.

So something like this

Meal 1: actual solid food
Meal 2 : snack (peanuts or whatever you have on hand)
Lunchtime : actual solid food
Meal 2: if you’re still hungry then another snack, or any leftovers from lunch you didn’t finish
Pre/Intra workout: whichever protein blend you choose
Post workout: shave off the majority of carbs and fat, and keep mostly protein.

The amount of shakes you’re consuming is a bit much. I understand how cheap they are, and they last for quite a bit, but they also have the tendency to make you put on fat quickly, espeacially if you’re eating full on meals with the shakes.

Ye now i added a picutre… sorry i forgot that!

Thank you so much for the advices. I gonna try to change 1 or 2 shakes to normal food!

Ok and what would you recommend?
How many grams of P C and F?

Ye shakes are pretty easy and fast to make and well i am a lazy folk^^ especially in the morning!

Looking at your progress, I can’t honestly say I’d change much. Great work so far

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Thx mate :slight_smile:

Sure. You’re obviously getting leaner, so you’re definitely not off. If you stop dropping, you’ll just have to increase your deficit - either add a little cardio or drop a couple hundred calories. I definitely wouldn’t do anything crazy, though; everything appears to be moving the right direction

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Thx for the advice!
And in your oppinion does it make any difference if I do f.e. 10 min HIIT or 20 min LISS?

HIIT is a little harder to recover from, in my minimal experience. I’d do more of that earlier in the diet, and transition to more steady-state as your carbs get lower and you feel like crap

Look up the steak and eggs diet

i will check it up thx mate!

Ye you are totally right i tried it last time and it was like a leg workout haha i had such a pump in my legs … but it was nice x)

I’d consume the nuts with the shake in the morning, that way the fat content just keeps the digestion rate slower sine you’re waiting until 11 to eat your second meal.

Meal 2, Id remove the olive oil so you’re not stacking carbs and fats altogether in that meal.

at 15:00, Id change that to a whey, or isolate instead of casein, and add a fat source like all natural peanut butter, and a carb source (something cheap like rice krispy treats), to fuel you for the workout. the fats from the peanut butter will help extend the insulin spike from the carbs throughout your workout.

Then Id drink your next shake with some fast digesting carbs (kids cereal, cream of rice, bagel with jam/jelly, sorbet) after your workout. then you could eat your last meal an hour and a half later.

I’d do 50-60g carbs with your pre workout shake. Then id do 100g carbs post workout. Altogether including your meal earlier in the day with rice, that’d put you at 220g carbs for the day. I’d hit those macros consistently for a couple weeks to get your body used to it, and then slowly play around with dropping the carbs, or carb cycling, and adding in LISS cardio a couple times a week to start.

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I agree as well. Slow and steady wins the race here.

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Progress is alright mate, keep at it, its a slow process, trust the process and no big changes. As @TrainForPain for pain wrote once you plateau only then seek to do a bit of adjustments here and there. Nothing too drastic. Great work so far keep pushing!

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Thx mate! he is totally right!

i think i am now on one of these palteaus! but well nevermind i will try some small changes!


Thank you mate!
i will try that next week for some weeks :slight_smile:
and thank you for that detailed description!

So it is actually not bad for the body to eat these “simple” carbs? like cereals?

Best wishes!

After a workout is the best time as it’ll be quick to replenish your glycogen levels. So depending on how many carbs I have after my workout, for example if I’m only having 50g carbs post workout (depending what my goal is and how I have my diet set up), I’ll do 40g carbs from cereal and then 10g carbs from mixed berries. But you could do the full amount from simple carbs like cereal.

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As others have said, I’ve found including Incline treadmill walking getting hr up to 140ish has really accelerated fat loss for me.
I do two 20 mins on non weight lifting days with some ab work in between, and 40mins on lifting days in 10 min bursts during work out.
Keep up the good work.