[quote]Sir wrote:
drummerofgod89 wrote:
I don’t work out by days of the week. My cycle is 4 - 5 days long.
Day 1: Legs and Shoulders
Day 2: Chest and Traps
Day 3: Back and Calves
Day 4: Arms
Day 5 is a day where if I don’t feel good enough to take on day 1 again, I will rest. Otherwise, I go back to day 1 for day 5 and keep on going.
I guess this means I train 5 - 7 days a week depending on how I’m feeling. I do this because I feel like I have pretty good recovery ability. I also go pretty high volume on my workouts (about 2 hours long). This workout schedule is what has worked best for me. My goals are size, but I know I can’t get big without being strong, so I train for strength as well. Specifically, I wish to be 260+ lbs with 8% body fat. I need about another 40 lbs of lean muscle before I will reach that.
7 days a week with no rest sounds crazy unless you’re using some type of gear. Also, 260 at 8% is pretty mean. I’m sure it’s possible to get there naturally, but that depends on a whole lot of factors including time and genetics…if you stay natural. 220 already? what bf% are you at?
Listen to what Mr. Popular says down a few posts. If I hit a muscle group hard every 4 - 5 days, then that’s fine. I see to many people worrying about what specific day of the week they work out what body part when they don’t even have time constraints to where they can only fit in workouts on specific days. These guys have time everyday where they could lift, but just do not think outside of a week-long cycle. I want to grow as fast as possible without gear (at the moment, I will probably use it in the future when I’m close to my genetic limit). I’m a very easy gainer, so I take advantage of high intensity, high volume, and high frequency training without steroids while I still can.
Yeah, I’d be about 220 if I were 8% bf. I’m 18% as of now. I’m 6’2" also. I have years of growth ahead of me, and I know 260 at 8% will be difficult, but I have no doubts that I will reach it.
Like I said, my split is based on how I feel, not what day of the week it is. I see people taking a day or two off when on the last day they worked out, they used their legs and the day they come back is arm day. I fail to see how resting those two days will be of any benefit to any lifter in such a situation.