How Not to Clean Up a Dead Whale

God love the 70’s

Oh my god that is straight fucking badass!!! I don’t care if it didn’t turn out so good, give that genius a medal!

haha…It’s been a while since I’ve seen that clip. I always love it when after the explosion, you can start to hear the chunks whale hitting the ground.

Can you imagine being the guy that got his car smashed by a big chunk of whale? You come back to your car after a nice day at the beach only to see that.

I wish more people in charge thought like this.

Life would be a lot better.

[quote]Stuntman Mike wrote:
I wish more people in charge thought like this.

Life would be a lot better.[/quote]

Something broken or useless?


I like how even after the explosion, there was still a huge piece of the whale left on the beach. Apparently they missed a spot with the dynamite LOL

[quote]RebornTN wrote:
I like how even after the explosion, there was still a huge piece of the whale left on the beach. Apparently they missed a spot with the dynamite LOL[/quote]

They piled it all up on one side. A 1000 fucking pounds. Spread that shit out a little bit!

[quote]ukrainian wrote:
Stuntman Mike wrote:
I wish more people in charge thought like this.

Life would be a lot better.

Something broken or useless?


Damn straight.


Oh man. That’s classic!


Imagine, if they piled it up all around the whale, and when they detonated the whale had nowhere to go but straight up.

Moby Dick is rolling over in his grave.


“Brilliant!” - Guinness commercial

You’d think they would have called a whaling ship instead. It WAS legal back then, even in America.

What if they decided to round up all the parts and try it all again?

That would qualify as the best idea. EVER.

Those idiots! Now that smell will still be present via millions of rotting chunks strewn everywhere. lol

I would have called Hancock.

They should have taken the experience gained from that incident and roamed around the country looking for beached whales so they could try it again until they could get it right. What a bunch of quitters they were. It may have taken five or ten exploding whale disasters like that to figure out the art and science of dynamite-beached-whale-disintegrating, but they would have got there eventually.

Imagine if NASA had given up on going to the moon the first time one of their rockets blew up. This is basically the same thing! Progress demands sacrifice and perseverance.