I’ve been on a 20 week cycle which seems to be the limit by most studies. My first 5 weeks was Test Enth 500mg, win 150mg and Anavar 300mgto keep it simple.
Second cycle 5 weeks as using Sus 450 mg, Masteron 350mg and Clem, I switched back on 1st cycle for 10 week, adding Anavar back in on last 5 for additional gains.
I’m on week two cruising on test cyp 200mg per week. You seem to mention changing drugs could be enough to help that body recovery and keeping natural hormones functioning. Do you think two weeks would be enough time on cruise if I keep switching my drugs on my cycles? 20 weeks. Rotate every 5 and 2-3 week cruise each time if blood is good??
This will not help Testosterone production. It will not really help with organ health either, unless switching from harsh drugs or less harsh drugs, but that isn’t allowing them to really recover in most cases, just causing less harm.
With the drugs you are using, you need to worry about heart, liver and kidney issues mostly in regards to long term health. Using a lot of orals is going to be tough on the liver and kidneys directly (Tudca and Nac can help here), but it will also trash your lipids which impacts heart health.
In addition to blood work, also pay attention to blood pressure. Chronic high blood pressure is no good.
20 weeks with 3 weeks cruise and another 20 weeks is too risky for me, but I know people who have done similar. If I was going to go so hard, I would just skip the cruise. I don’t think you are really going to get much organ benefit from that. I would also keep it a lot simpler. Just run a Test base at a decent dose. Run a single oral for 4 weeks and take at least that amount of time off of the oral before starting again (preferably longer). With all the orals, I would run Tudca or Nac during the oral and two weeks past stopping it. Just what I would do.
I am not against longer cycles (if blasting and cruising). My current blast is going to be 18-20 weeks in total. I “just” ran 875 mg per week test (I seem to handle high test well). Tbol at 40 mg/day first 4 weeks, and last 4 weeks. Honestly, I will probably step down the Test dose going forward (more like 600-750 mg/wk). I seem to get more performance out of the Tbol than Test (just my perception). With this cycle length, I feel comfortable doing this once a year.
I suppose my question is how many such cycles are you hoping to do like that?
How old are you?
How many years have you been aggressively using AAS’s?
And the question an old man like me would ask, how long do you hope to live?
So your last cycle was 15 weeks? And you’re two weeks into your cruise? 13 more weeks until your next blast. Get blood work relatively soon, it’ll be useful to have that datapoint.
I’m 50 as of October and only ran a couple cycles before those honestly. Didn’t get into a hard cycle until that last one gradually while really hitting gym hard. I hope to cycle hard for rest of this year. I came in to this doing TRT due to
Low test and added the other later. So I’ll always be coasting on test for rest of life. My kids are grown up and half way to retirement with 7 grandkids. I’m fitness focuses. I workout with heavy weights 6 days a week and go to CrossFit for 3 days of the week so my cardio is through the roof right now. I am paying close attention to my eating and HDL.
I should have specified. The only oral I was even taking was Anavar. Everything else is injectable. I also have been taking Tuduca from the beginning. My blood pressure is great because I do CrossFit as well as lifting weights.
Umm your natural hormones said bye-bye many weeks ago.
I don’t see how changing drugs could help you recover … unless you mean dropping to cruise dose (which you’ve done) and remove the other stuff? That’s always a good idea.
Anyway, no 2 weeks is not enough time. General rule is time on=time off, but I’d say time off should be long enough for lab work to show you’ve returned to a healthy state. Then you can start your next blast. But you’d need to be getting the labwork in the first place and I”m gonna guess you are not.
Edit: are you getting labwork? Would love to see it on your blast, if you have it. Curious about the Win impact
Well… If you dont care much for 55, blast away. At that age, its much too late to start fucking yourself with a knife, imo.
Do a heart echo and a complete coronary imaging at least. At 50 and on these blasts you might be just a few days away from a stroke as it is.
If i was you, id never go over 250-300mgs total. Add some HGH and you should be able to look better than most 40-50 year olds. I just don’t see a benefit to what you are doing compared to risks. Its the same as to start skateboarding at 80…one fall away from a wheelchair.
Agree with this. 50 is old enough to abstain from heavy doses due to aging arterial health etc but also young enough you’ll want to live for another 20+ years. Think of your 7 grand kids and do you want to live for retirement? So you can run all the anabolics you want and look close to a cover model OR run them lightly as @hankthetank89 said and prob look 75% as good yet not risk your helath near as much.
Most guys on 150 mg/wk of Test at 50 (or really almost any age past 25) could be in the top 5% of their age group just by being lean and doing some resistance training for 2 hours total a week.
I go to a kinda hardcore gym, so it can warp perception a bit. When I take a look at regular people, there are not very many that look good past early 20s.
@swoops39 yes o have been. Blood works been good. HDL and iron was a little low last time, but have corrected that since with several things like Coconut oil and Niacin, as well as extra strength IRON.
@RT_Nomad I think I replied. But I’m 50. Only really have spend a half year of hard cycle. I only wish to push my gains as far as possible this year until I’m back to a weight and strength I was 10 years ago. I’m thinking another 8 months of good hard work and proper gearing. I will probably go back to TRT the rest of my days next year to never cycle again.
Wish to live to 85 and enjoy my 7 grandkids of course.