Quite a difference. Also they put a confidence interval on the dead space for the three options.
Quite a difference. Also they put a confidence interval on the dead space for the three options.
Up to 99 uL (~.1mL) is a lot of waste if you have the the wrong set up. Pin EOD, and you are throwing away .35 mL (or 87.5 mg of Test E 250) a week.
I use 27 gauge 1/2" slin pins. Not much waste with those. Draw time with the 27 gauge isn’t bad either.
Thanks for posting this. I have a weird method to my injections to minimize waste, but even then, there’s still a little left in the needle each time. I’m trying to inject less often now, but if I go back to daily shots I use a 27g fixed needle set up with little to no waste
I use the same when I inject daily or EOD. Right now on twice per week I use a standard leur-lock 25g 1in. I do better better with deeper injections usually
I’d really like a 27 gauge 3/4" insulin syringe/needle. Little deeper, but, I haven’t had any pip for about a year of EOD shots with the 1/2". I’d really like it if I ever try dhb. Probably won’t do much blasting anymore though.
I homebrew and have way more than I’ll likely ever use in my lifetime. I’m not worried about a little waste.
BUT I do always enjoy a good tareload TED talk.
I’m using non slin pins on this blast for the first time in probably 2 years. Mostly to cut down on shot frequency, but I may go back to slin pins and just pin ED. Haven’t made up my mind yet.
Thanks! The title was kind of sarcastic.
On a related note the part that would concern me with UGL is both the raws and brewing if you are buying a finished product. It only takes one screw up from a rookie/uncareful brewer to contaminate a lot of AAS finished product with fentanyl (if they are also in that line of work). That could get real ugly real quick as we are seeing now with other recreational drugs.
If you home brew then at least you control the raw to finished product process. But even then most aren’t checking the impurities/quality of their raw API received. The fentanyl situation is getting pretty nuts which I don’t understand as you don’t want to kill your customer. But then again these people aren’t exactly PhD chemists (for the most part). Fentanyl residue isn’t very forgiving.
Just something I was thinking about. Another topic for harm minimization and makes legal compounded AAS all the more attractive. But if you want primobolan, boldenone, etc etc then I guess you roll the dice.
Carfentanil or carfentanyl (Wildnil) is an analogue of the popular synthetic opioid analgesic fentanyl, and is one of the most potent opioids known (also the most potent opioid used commercially). Carfentanil was first synthesized in 1974 by a team of chemists at Janssen Pharmaceutica which included Paul Janssen. It has a quantitative potency approximately 10,000 times that of morphine and 100 times that of fentanyl, with activity in humans starting at about 1 microgram. It is marketed under the trade name Wildnil as a general anaesthetic agent for large animals. Carfentanil is intended for large-animal use only as its extreme potency makes it inappropriate for use in humans. Currently sufentanil, approximately 10–20 times less potent (500 to 1000 times the efficacy of morphine per weight) than carfentanil, is the maximum strength fentanyl analog for use in humans.
12.1.1Toxicity Summary
IDENTIFICATION AND USE: Carfentanil is a Schedule II controlled substance. It is a large animal immobilizing agent use in Cervidae (deer, elk, moose), and veterinary anesthetic used for zoo animals. Carfentanil is an ultra-potent synthetic opioid. These substances can come in several forms, including powder, blotter paper, tablets, and spray - they can be absorbed through the skin or accidental inhalation of airborne powder. HUMAN STUDIES: Carfentanil has been discovered in postmortem and antemortem cases throughout the United States in the heroin supply either alone or mixed with heroin and/or other fentanyl analogs. The potency of carfentanil is approximately 10,000 times greater than morphine and 100 times greater than fentanyl. In some cases, carfentanil was identified and ruled to be the cause of death, either alone or in combination with other drugs. In October 2002, the Russian military used a mysterious “gas” to incapacitate Chechen rebels at a Moscow theater. The available evidence strongly suggests that a combination of a potent aerosolized fentanyl derivative, such as carfentanil, and an inhalational anesthetic, such as halothane, was used in this case. Other study suggested that aerosol comprised a mixture of two anaesthetics -carfentanil and remifentanil. ANIMAL STUDIES: After carfentanil citrate administration, 3 horses developed severe tachycardia and hypertension, which resulted in the death of 1 horse from pulmonary edema. Intramuscularly administered etorphine and carfentanil induce hypertension, bradycardia, and bradypnea in goats. The mean dose of carfentanil used in wood bison was 7.0 ug/kg. Narcotic antagonists used were naltrexone, naloxone and M5050.
Drawn to rough scale.
I am wasting a lot because I am yet to find a low dead space in Turkey
However still I am just a bit over the natural reference level so all good for me
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