Ok my search engine isn’t working, so for you guys with some experience in this area, how much of each antiestrogen should I use with approx. 700mg/wk test for 10 weeks and possibly 40 mgs D ball per day first 4 weeks. I had gyno during puberty ( with the glands still swollen and fatty deposits around my chest)not too bad when I’m shredded though. I was thinking of using a little of each so I get the benefits of occupying the receptor(in the nipples to keep them flat) with the nolva and therefore not having to use too much arimidex and therefore lowering my estrogen too low. Any opinions? Or should I just stick with higher amounts of one or the other? I do retain water though.
1/2 a tab for Arimidex during cycle should be good. You have to be extremely careful and I wouldn’t recommend using both at the same time as Arimidex lowers estrogen almost to well. Combining the 2 could leave you worse off. So 1/2 a tab should work and you can always up it if you start feeling like gyno is setting in.
.25 of Arimi a day, and yes use nolva too. Nolva doesn’t lower estrogen, it inhabits the receptor sites, very useful for you since you already have gyno.
Thanks for the help guys. Lizard King do you think 20mg of the nolva a day would suffice with the.25 of arimidex?
lizard is correct. Always willing to learn Anyway, here’s a clip of an article I found on another site regarding the use of both together. Link won’t go by the admins so PM me if you want it.
Quote from “OM”
Therefore, when problems such as gynocomastia occur during a cycle of steroids one will usually start 20 mg/day of Nolva or 100 mg/day of clomid straight away, in conjunction with some Proviron or arimidex. The proviron or arimidex will actively reduce estrogen while the clomid or Nolvadex will solve your ongoing problem straight away. This way, when use is discontinued there is no immediate rebound.
Yeah, that’s what I use. And actually, when I’m doing less than a gram of test a week, I only use Arimi every other day, but nolva every day. The tenderness of your nipples will dictate if your using the right dosage. Remember, we don’t want to completely eliminate estrogen, it has anabolic effects as well, we just want to control unwanted sides. But if you suffer from bloat and preexisting gyno, then perhaps you should do ED. Good luck slick, keep me informed.
[quote]hakt0ne wrote:
lizard is correct. Always willing to learn
Me too haktOne, me too. Your avatar looks sweet at Meso, the T-guys need to send you some free stuff for the advertisment. Rock on brother.
Thanks for the advice guys. That was the plan I was actually going to use, but I just wanted to get advice from you veterans. I’ll let you know how it goes.
I take 750mg week of Test Enanthate and alternate .25mg Arimidex and Biotest M. No gyno, excellent gains and stay rock hard.
On my last cycle, .25mg/ed arimidex wasn’t working, so I had to up it to .75/eod. Just thought I throw that in there so you know that the dosage is not set in stone.
I’ve had to go as high as 1mg Adex in conjunction with 40mg Nolva ED for a few days to knock back nipples that were puffing up. Use the minimum, but don’t be afraid to up it if things go bad.