[quote]Sentoguy wrote:
The truth is that there are “many roads to Rome” so to speak. What has to be taken into consideration is the volume/intensity/frequency continuum.
In other words, those three qualities must be balanced appropriately to avoid pushing oneself beyond the point of being able to recover and improve from one’s workouts. You can’t have huge amounts of volume, super intense “smoke blowing out of your ears” sets, and repeat that same process multiple times a day every day without running yourself into the ground.
CT’s “HP Mass” program utilizes lots of volume, high frequency, but lower intensity (avoiding failure) and has results to prove that it’s effective.
DC training utilizes low volume, low total frequency of training (only 3x per week, though each body part is hit every 4-5 days), and high intensity (lots of failure, as well as rest-pause training and static holds/partial reps in some cases) and has results to prove that it works.
Max OT training utilizes moderate volume, moderate frequency (each muscle group is hit once a week, but you are in the gym 5-6 days a week), and moderate intensity (sets are taken to failure, but no “intensity” techniques are added) and has results to prove that it works.
So, your question doesn’t really have a black and white “do x number of sets and reps for each muscle group” answer. Pick a training method which you enjoy and believe in, seek consistent progression with it and your diet, and stick with it for at least 6 months to give it a legitimate chance to work for you/evaluate it and then either continue on with it, or if it’s not working the way you want (assuming that you are sure that the nutritional and recovery pieces of the puzzle are solidly in place) change to something else.
No matter what program you pick though, it’s going to be the effort and consistency that you put into it that’s going to either get you results or not; not the specific number of repetitions or sets. [/quote]
Awesome post, Ive found I can handle a lot of volume hitting muscle 2x per week but if i go to failure I burn out really fast even if the overall volume inst that high so I stay away from failure personally