How Many Grams of Protein for You?

[quote]bryan.kav wrote:
(i know what your thinking hardly makes me an authority on anything lol)

5’ 10"

250+ grams protein (150=whole foods eggs, chicken, beef, nuts rest post workout whey hydrosalate and Metabolic Drive before bed)
30-50g carbs (mainly post workout)
50-70g fat

saturday is a differennt story just increase them all by about 10%

keep my strength the same and feel good all round

Putting on mass in the/pre summer. . reduction in HIIT and increase post workout to about 100g of carbs. . keeps me lean and puts on mass quick. [/quote]

I DJ a lot of parties and my equipment is pretty heavy. It all has wheels but they are hard to get out of my car and up stairs.

Pasta is my go to food!

190 pounds on a cutting diet

250+ protein usually 80 from shakes
about 40 fat
about 200 carb
about 2300 calories

Right now I get about 1 gram per pound I weigh.

I recently read some numbers from a study that showed 1.4 grams per kilogram you weigh is ideal. Anything less resulted in lower protein synthesis, but anything much beyond 1.4 didn’t result in any increased protein synthesis.

im 5’8" 177pounds on a cut (down from 205 3 months ago)

Protein - 300 grams
carbs - less then 50 on non training days, less then 100 on training days
Fats - bout 20% of calories

[quote]travis8798 wrote:
Right now I get about 1 gram per pound I weigh.

I recently read some numbers from a study that showed 1.4 grams per kilogram you weigh is ideal. Anything less resulted in lower protein synthesis, but anything much beyond 1.4 didn’t result in any increased protein synthesis. [/quote]

And I’ve seen this…

“There is evidence (see papers by Peter Lemon) that intense activity may increase protein requirements in order to maintain a positive nitrogen balance and avoid the loss of lean muscle tissue. The most recent requirements for athletes in intensive training (a term which requires definition as it may be that some threshold may exist for when additional protein above the RDA of .8 g/kg bodyweight is required) are: Strength athletes: 1.8 g/kg bodyweight and I’ve seen up to 2g/kg suggested as possible more effective. Data from Tarnpolosky with European athletes shows that massive protein intakes of up to 3.5 g/kg further increase lean mass gains. In the early 1970�??s, a study of weightlifters showed that these athletes needed at least 2.2 gr/kg. Two decades later Russian research demonstrated better muscle increases with 4.2 gr/kg.”

4.2 g/kg is just below 2 g/lb for our metrically challenged friends.

While cutting right now, I’m getting around 300g in.

When I was bulking I was anywhere between 450 and 500.

1.5g-1.75 g per lb. I don’t see much reason to go beyond that. I don’t think the body is really going to utilize much more. And it starts to crowd out other nutrients. I need my carbs and fat when gaining.

I’ve been up to 450g a day and I didn’t notice any physique changes. Just financial changes!

Usually around 250g now.

Weight: ~143lbs.

I aim for 145 grams protein, but tend to go over on workout days.

I eat lots of carbs…mostly to get in all my calories. However, I’ve been increasing my weight steadily, so I haven’t gained too much fat even with all the carbs. I don’t overdo it when it comes to calories.

I’m basing that on the fact that my waist size hasn’t increased since I’ve started lifting and fat usually goes straight to my stomach.