Alright dont start yelling. i did search for the answer. But specifically, i went on clen taper up taper down 25micro to 100micro over 2 weeks.
Worked great.
How long before i can do another 2 weeks?
Without the use of benadryl how long should you wait between 2 week cycles.
Oh and those of you who know me, the HCG IS AWESOME in everyway! Thanks So Much!
was sitting at 208 didnt do anything different and lost 9 lbs in the 2 weeks. what fat i had around obliques was visually down so id estimate at least 5lbs of true fat loss 9 lbs total.
[quote]albig wrote:
Alright dont start yelling. i did search for the answer. But specifically, i went on clen taper up taper down 25micro to 100micro over 2 weeks.
Worked great.
How long before i can do another 2 weeks?
Without the use of benadryl how long should you wait between 2 week cycles.
Oh and those of you who know me, the HCG IS AWESOME in everyway! Thanks So Much![/quote]
Clen is pretty popular at our gym. We cycle 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for a total of 6 weeks on (i.e 12 weeks in total).
Some guys take Ketotifen with it and then they can cycle for 6 weeks without a break
Man I have a friend who has been doing 2 on 2 off clen cycles for a year now and he still hasn’t lost his bodyfat, and he won’t listen to a damn thing I say about diet, he thinks he has it all under control. THat’s a really long fucking time to be running clen.
I’m with brook on this one, 2 weeks on 2 off works.