How Long Before Pudzianowski Dominates MMA?

[quote]kmcnyc wrote:
elnyka wrote:
kmcnyc wrote:
elnyka wrote:
Im Yolked wrote:
So, has anyone else read about the worlds strongest man making his MMA debut??

It’s outrageous isn’t it. Who does he think he is?

LOL if insane strength, power and very mediocre MMA skill was all you needed to do well at heavyweight, then lesnar and overeem would’ve been hw champs right about n…

Oh, wait…


You fucking idiot. Pudzi is a kykushinkai karateka, has trained in boxing, and IIRC has a background in wrestling.

these threads are great for the brotard on brotard hate.

They bring out the best of us!

uhm you’d be part of the brotard crowd.

*** wooosh ***

[quote]Im Yolked wrote:
^ Do you never have anything worthwhile to say?[/quote]

I could ask the same about you but I know the answer.

Stop polluting the combat sports forum.

[quote]Nikiforos wrote:
FirestormWarrior wrote:
In an interview in april 2001 Rickson Gracie said that “… Just being big and well-prepared is already a great advantage for him. That makes the smaller guy the underdog no matter what he does.”.

Although we all know this is true to some extent, size alone doesn’t win fights. Just look at how Akebono and Bob Sapp got punished by much smaller guys at K1.

However, considering Mariusz’ background in BJJ, Kyokushin and Boxing, I wouldn’t underestimate his fighting game.

I’m half polish myself, so one part of me would like to see him compete. On the other hand, I despise the fact that K1 is dominated by guys like Semmy Schilt who dominate only because of their size and power…

Anyways, MMA is a technical, mental and a of course a very physical game, so if a fighter is just so much fitter and stronger than the other guy, then more power to him, right? At least, that finishes the discussions about wheter or not the art XYZ can deal with physically superior adversaries or not. Step in the ring/octagon, take on Pudzian and prove it ;).

Schiilt’s “power” and “domination”? We must watch a different K1.

Probably. In the K1 I’m watching, Schilt won the Grand Prix like 3 times and the Super-Heavyweight Champion somewhere along the way 2007.

The fact he’s 2m12 doesn’t hurt that. Neither does the fact he’s weighing in at ~130 kg. For me, he’s one of the biggest, heaviest fighters in K1. As for technical skill… he’s probably better than I am, because he’s holding 3 Grand Prix titles, whereas I am not. However, compared to other fighters, there’s musch for Semmy to learn when it comes to how to throw a kick or a punch.

Anyways, that’s the K1 I’m watching. Maybe it’s different over in the US. Don’t think so, though. :wink:

I’m Yolked is an idiot. He’s pulling this stupid shit in GAL too.

[quote]FirestormWarrior wrote:
Nikiforos wrote:
FirestormWarrior wrote:
In an interview in april 2001 Rickson Gracie said that “… Just being big and well-prepared is already a great advantage for him. That makes the smaller guy the underdog no matter what he does.”.

Although we all know this is true to some extent, size alone doesn’t win fights. Just look at how Akebono and Bob Sapp got punished by much smaller guys at K1.

However, considering Mariusz’ background in BJJ, Kyokushin and Boxing, I wouldn’t underestimate his fighting game.

I’m half polish myself, so one part of me would like to see him compete. On the other hand, I despise the fact that K1 is dominated by guys like Semmy Schilt who dominate only because of their size and power…

Anyways, MMA is a technical, mental and a of course a very physical game, so if a fighter is just so much fitter and stronger than the other guy, then more power to him, right? At least, that finishes the discussions about wheter or not the art XYZ can deal with physically superior adversaries or not. Step in the ring/octagon, take on Pudzian and prove it ;).

Schiilt’s “power” and “domination”? We must watch a different K1.

Probably. In the K1 I’m watching, Schilt won the Grand Prix like 3 times and the Super-Heavyweight Champion somewhere along the way 2007.

The fact he’s 2m12 doesn’t hurt that. Neither does the fact he’s weighing in at ~130 kg. For me, he’s one of the biggest, heaviest fighters in K1. As for technical skill… he’s probably better than I am, because he’s holding 3 Grand Prix titles, whereas I am not. However, compared to other fighters, there’s musch for Semmy to learn when it comes to how to throw a kick or a punch.

Anyways, that’s the K1 I’m watching. Maybe it’s different over in the US. Don’t think so, though. ;)[/quote]

Hrm. Well, I don’t really think you can call him a dominant fighter at this very moment. He’s one of the most accomplished for sure, but it’s not like he rules K1 because of his amazing power and athleticism, he is a distance fighter that uses his reach and size to win decisions and outpoint people. The comparison with Mariusz is… well, puzzling to me. Anyway I’ll let this thread blow up in flames like it is shaping up to…!

[quote]leaftye wrote:
I’m Yolked is an idiot. He’s pulling this stupid shit in GAL too.[/quote]

Forum wide troll job :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Nikiforos wrote:
FirestormWarrior wrote:
Nikiforos wrote:
FirestormWarrior wrote:
In an interview in april 2001 Rickson Gracie said that “… Just being big and well-prepared is already a great advantage for him. That makes the smaller guy the underdog no matter what he does.”.

Although we all know this is true to some extent, size alone doesn’t win fights. Just look at how Akebono and Bob Sapp got punished by much smaller guys at K1.

However, considering Mariusz’ background in BJJ, Kyokushin and Boxing, I wouldn’t underestimate his fighting game.

I’m half polish myself, so one part of me would like to see him compete. On the other hand, I despise the fact that K1 is dominated by guys like Semmy Schilt who dominate only because of their size and power…

Anyways, MMA is a technical, mental and a of course a very physical game, so if a fighter is just so much fitter and stronger than the other guy, then more power to him, right? At least, that finishes the discussions about wheter or not the art XYZ can deal with physically superior adversaries or not. Step in the ring/octagon, take on Pudzian and prove it ;).

Schiilt’s “power” and “domination”? We must watch a different K1.

Probably. In the K1 I’m watching, Schilt won the Grand Prix like 3 times and the Super-Heavyweight Champion somewhere along the way 2007.

The fact he’s 2m12 doesn’t hurt that. Neither does the fact he’s weighing in at ~130 kg. For me, he’s one of the biggest, heaviest fighters in K1. As for technical skill… he’s probably better than I am, because he’s holding 3 Grand Prix titles, whereas I am not. However, compared to other fighters, there’s musch for Semmy to learn when it comes to how to throw a kick or a punch.

Anyways, that’s the K1 I’m watching. Maybe it’s different over in the US. Don’t think so, though. :wink:

Hrm. Well, I don’t really think you can call him a dominant fighter at this very moment. He’s one of the most accomplished for sure, but it’s not like he rules K1 because of his amazing power and athleticism, he is a distance fighter that uses his reach and size to win decisions and outpoint people. The comparison with Mariusz is… well, puzzling to me. Anyway I’ll let this thread blow up in flames like it is shaping up to…![/quote]

Well… I’m not comparion Schilt with Pudzin, really. I said in my first reply that IMHO Pudzianowski is quite accomplished in the fighting game. Look, as I said, Schilt isn’t that bad technically, but looking at how he wins his fights I dare say he wouldn’t be winning them at like 1m80.

As an example, his knee strikes aren’t comparable to those of Remy or Buakaw. They work because with smaller opponents, it’s enough for Semy lo lift that knee to his stomach-level to land a headshot. His boxing just doesn’t compare to Badr Hari’s and his kicking skills are no match for the likes of Feitosa. Schilt doesn’t really excell in any area other than being big, strong, and able to take a good punch.

That’s my honest opinion. On the other hand, you know what they say about opinions…

[quote]elnyka wrote:

Because he’s a poser and a google e-xpert, one of the many more tards who like to create an opinion on shit (in particular combat sports) he has no clue about and who, to the horror of humanity, thinks his faulty opinions are fact.

W/e man. Having some lame grappling pic up doesn’t make you an expert either. And what the hell are you so angry about?
Ha, judging by your rather pathetic stats, you’re probably one of the insecure morons who took up martial arts and lifting to make up for your obvious shortcomings as a male and defend yourself from the big bad bullies at school.

5’6 175lbs. That’s cute lol. I think my 15 y/o sister has similar stats, although I think she’s taller. You probably have a good 20 lbs on her though. Good job. Keep it up broseph, train a little harder and you’ll be rivaling the stats of some of the figure competitors.

Yolked, you keep changing avatars quite frequently.
How about one that doesn’t completely suck ass?
Just a thought.

[quote]Im Yolked wrote:
elnyka wrote:

Because he’s a poser and a google e-xpert, one of the many more tards who like to create an opinion on shit (in particular combat sports) he has no clue about and who, to the horror of humanity, thinks his faulty opinions are fact.

W/e man. Having some lame grappling pic up doesn’t make you an expert either. And what the hell are you so angry about?
Ha, judging by you rather pathetic stats, you’re probably one of the insecure morons who took up martial arts and lifting to make up for your obvious shortcomings as a male.

5’6 175lbs. That’s cute lol. I think my 15 y/o sister has similar stats, although I think she’s taller. You probably have a good 20lbs on her though. Good job. Keep it up broseph, train a little hard and you’ll be rivaling the stats of some of the figure competitors. [/quote]

You talk as if you’re top of the food chain around here. Cute.

[quote]Im Yolked wrote:
elnyka wrote:

Because he’s a poser and a google e-xpert, one of the many more tards who like to create an opinion on shit (in particular combat sports) he has no clue about and who, to the horror of humanity, thinks his faulty opinions are fact.

W/e man. Having some lame grappling pic up doesn’t make you an expert either. [/quote]

Never claimed to be. You on the other hand…

[quote]Im Yolked wrote:

And what the hell are you so angry about?

How about seeing a pretentious pathetic e-punk with a complete lack of any redeemable (not to mention remarkable) attributes making fun of one of the most talented athletes in the world just for the simple fact that he’s going to try his luck at a MMA event? Other than stupidty, the only other thing that could compel you to do is mere arrogance.

[quote]Im Yolked wrote:

Ha, judging by your rather pathetic stats, [/quote]

Hi Ronnie Coleman.

[quote]Im Yolked wrote:
you’re probably one of the insecure morons who took up martial arts and lifting to make up for your obvious shortcomings as a male and defend yourself from the big bad bullies at school.[/quote]

At least I don’t wear my hat backwards with shades so think they make me look like a latrine fly.

[quote]Im Yolked wrote:
5’6 175lbs. That’s cute lol.[/quote]

Hi Ronnie Coleman.

[quote]Im Yolked wrote:
I think my 15 y/o sister has similar stats, although I think she’s taller. [/quote]

I bow at your amazing displays at 3rd-grade-level vernacular.

[quote]Im Yolked wrote:
You probably have a good 20 lbs on her though. Good job. Keep it up broseph, train a little harder and you’ll be rivaling the stats of some of the figure competitors. [/quote]

Projection much?

It is quite telling that instead of addressing the post where how wrong you are about Pudzi’s entrance in MMA, instead you fixate yourself in my stats as if I’ve argued to be an expert on the subject (something that you have done) and despite the fact that your pictures obviously show you also suck (and perhaps more so) on the physical department.

How’s the taste of your red herring?

Instead of ripping you a new e-hole, I will let you feel, in that little world of you, a little moment of glory in criticizing my size, knowing that you are still incapable of providing a reasonable counter argument to anything I’ve said about Pudzianowsky’s entrance on MMA (and on how fucking stupid it is for you to even question that.)

So keep focusing on my stats in the hope vain that you are actually making a point. I’m not one to judge people for their predilections, but don’t complain when you get blisters for fucking those nice strawmen you keep building.

Bob Sapp reference FTW.

That guy cracks me up.

And his size and strength carried him all the way to the title.

Oh, wait.


[quote]Im Yolked wrote:
So, has anyone else read about the worlds strongest man making his MMA debut??

It’s outrageous isn’t it. Who does he think he is?

LOL if insane strength, power and very mediocre MMA skill was all you needed to do well at heavyweight, then lesnar and overeem would’ve been hw champs right about n…

Oh, wait…


Lesnar has an extremely strong wrestling background and Overeem made Badr hari look like a chump in their K-1 match. So… its a little more than size.