[quote]bg100 wrote:
You might want to consider your own lack of medical wisdom, since when does the flu cause vomiting? Usually it is headaches, fever, sore throat etc, not vomiting. I would think that vomiting is caused by some sort of gastro-intestinal bug. I’m willing to be corrected by someone who knows more about the flu than me, but I’ve never heard of it causing vomiting.
I think it was a legitimate question. Overtraining is a common occurence with people who are keen on lifting weights and don’t want to stop training, and the danger of this occurring is magnified when the body is sick. All the guy was asking was how long would be a reasonable amount of rest before getting back into training. He’s trying to take care of himself and you have to criticise him whilst offerring no useful advice whatsoever.
The whole point of these forums is to learn from each other and give advice. Maybe this is the first time he has been seriously ill whilst training? If he wants to ask how long he should wait before resuming what is the harm in that? Especially if he could do more harm by pushing his body too far and make his illness even worse.
For the original poster, I came down with a fever and head cold myself a few weeks ago, nothing too serious, but I rested for a few more days than normal and was fine. I felt that if I did push things it could have made things worse. You won’t lose too many gains by resting, your body could be telling you to stop for a little while as well.
74 wrote:
dharmabum31 wrote:
Thanks for the constructive criticism, 74. Your insights and wisdom have been very helpful.
Insight and wisdom are definitely lacking where you are concerned if you need to ask this question, along with basic common sense. Do you think there is some magic time frame, formula, or “flu codex” that you could follow for return to lifting? Do you really need to have someone play “mom” for you and tell you when it is OK to workout? Do you really need to have someone hold your hand through the most basic of life’s events? The world is slowly becoming a very stupid place to exist.
Just to tackle a future question that you will probably also need answered…Don’t forget that if you live in the Midwest or Northeast that it is starting to get cold out so remember to wear your hat, jacket, and gloves.
You might want to check out the shoulder thread about the Mom who needs help. My “medical wisdom” was right on track but no one seemed to believe me until Dr. Ryan agreed and all of a sudden that thread was dead. Everyone wants 100 opinions on basic shit.
The medical professional that is needed for this post is an OB/GYN because you have to be a pussy to ask a question about “when do I return to working out” because I am a dumb son of a bitch and my mommy isn’t around to tell me what to do.
Another piece of wisdom for those of you who can’t make any decisions without mommy is…with the coming of winter, don’t eat yellow snow, it’s not a flavor ice.