I have been working out for quite some time now using straight sets (3 x 8-12 for example) although it has begun to stagnate.
I am now looking for a change in my routine, and came across ‘Reverse Pyramid Training’. This seems great, as I was looking for something which allows you to hit low & high rep ranges during the workout.
Anyway, I was just wondering how I’d progress with this routine though. For example, the way I progressed when I was using straight sets is I would go 3x8 or so with the same amount of weight for all 3 sets. If I could achieve that, I would then increase the weight next time. If I couldn’t achieve it, I would keep the weight the same for the next workout and try to get another rep or two until I eventually reached 3x8.
With Reverse Pyramid Training, would progression pretty much work the same way? For example, with Flat Bench Press it would go 6>8>10>12 reps with my highest weight at the start, lowering it by 10% or so per set. So would I just increase the weight once I hit all 6>8>10>12 rep ranges? The reason I ask is because I’ve read some things which suggest that the only set worth worrying about in Reverse Pyramid Training is the first set, so this should be the only one I need to worry about hitting all reps.
Thanks guys.