I would like you to consider this.
You walk into a room and two guys are talking. You overhear them, one guy says he has almost topped 3 plates for a deadlift.
The other guy says he has squatted more than the other guy’s total. He says he spent his entire life training. He was coached by some of the best coaches in the world and trained with some of the strongest guys around as well. This is how he makes his money and that he has been so successful at it he wrote one of the most well-renowned training programs in history. Spending about a decade refining it. So successful that he has never once had to over-hype his program or talk about bullshit “shocking” results. He says tens of thousands of people have gotten strong with the program.
Now, there is 10ft mound of cocaine in the room as well. How much of the cocaine would you need to inhale before you thought it was a smart idea to listen to the 3 plater over the guy who knows his shit?