How Full is Your Greens+

Yesterday I bought Greens Plus berry flavor for the first time. When I opened the container the “sealed for your protection” label seemed to come off very easily as if it had been taken off then placed back on.

When I looked in the container it was not full to the top but only filled to about an inch and a half below the top of the container. Is this generally how much is in the container or is it possible someone had taken some out in the store or tampered with it?

[quote]relentless2120 wrote:
Yesterday I bought Greens Plus berry flavor for the first time. When I opened the container the “sealed for your protection” label seemed to come off very easily as if it had been taken off then placed back on.

When I looked in the container it was not full to the top but only filled to about an inch and a half below the top of the container. Is this generally how much is in the container or is it possible someone had taken some out in the store or tampered with it?[/quote]

A simple way to find out would be to compare the label’s said amount to the actual amount of product in the container, which you can measure yourself.

most things aren’t filled right to the top of containers. Haven’t you ever opened a bag of chips and been dissapointed in the lack of actual chips?

It’s doubtful someone opened up the bottle of greens+, took out a serving or two, then glued the tamper seal back on.

sold by weight, not by volume.

just an offshoot of this post…

how IS the berry flavor??

[quote]relentless2120 wrote:
Yesterday I bought Greens Plus berry flavor for the first time. When I opened the container the “sealed for your protection” label seemed to come off very easily as if it had been taken off then placed back on.

When I looked in the container it was not full to the top but only filled to about an inch and a half below the top of the container. Is this generally how much is in the container or is it possible someone had taken some out in the store or tampered with it?[/quote]

Their packaging sucks. The safety seal comes off as soon as you remove the cap. I have ordered 5-6 bottles of the capsule form and every bottle has been the same (seal was never really on there).

[quote]relentless2120 wrote:
Yesterday I bought Greens Plus berry flavor for the first time. When I opened the container the “sealed for your protection” label seemed to come off very easily as if it had been taken off then placed back on.

When I looked in the container it was not full to the top but only filled to about an inch and a half below the top of the container. Is this generally how much is in the container or is it possible someone had taken some out in the store or tampered with it?[/quote]

LOL. Is this thread for real?

The berry flavor is very good. More fruity (surprise!) than the regular Greens+. I like the regular flavor just fine; I mix it with plain water, but the berry flavor is definitely even better in my opinion.

[quote]B rocK wrote:
just an offshoot of this post…

how IS the berry flavor??[/quote]

yeah, the berry flavor is good. Kind of tastes like a fruit smoothie if you blend it with some ice.

If you really were concerned about tampering wouldn’t you take it back to the store for a refund or replacement?

Berry flavor is good stuff. I mix it with 16oz of water.

Your description of quantity seems about right.

The best flavor IMHO is Tangerine

Stay away from the Green + / Multi + fresh fruit…

Anyone ever try the Greens+ protein bars? I saw CW talk about them in a recent article.