Hi Guys, I got some greens + shipped over to the uk for its great helah benefits. However i frickin hate the stuff!! I mixed 3 tablespoons with water or my fave juice and its disgusting!! any recommendations for usage??
I wouldnt mix it with juice, but then again I dont drink juice. I have found that mixed with vanilla protien powder it is alot more palatable, or just straight. But if your trying to mix it with some kind of fruit juice Im not surprised its disgusting.
I never use more than one tablespoon at a time. I often mix it in with my protein drink or I’ll use a protein/greens mix in my oatmeal.
thanks guys, i tried it with water first and cudnt handle it. then i mixed it with some fresh OJ i juiced both were real bad. Think i may go for the one teasponn and do 3 ‘shots’ a day
really? I love greens + OJ, although I use a different brand. In my experience Green Vibrance is hands down the best powder you can get (taste and ingredients wise). You could always try different juices, perhaps grapefruit juice might be a good choice (or if you like tomato, mix in v8).
If none of these suit you, and the taste is still unbearable, perhaps try a new greens powder. Other than green vibrance, jarrows makes a fairly tasty (and significantly cheaper) greens which has a much stronger spinach/parsley taste to it. Green Vibrance tastes most strongly like spirulina.
I have to say though, that even if you don’t ever end up liking the taste, greens powder is one of the best supplements you will ever take. The number of days I fall ill, and the severity of each episode has gone down drastically.
My suggestion is to eat your veggies.
I don’t understand the desire to replace good real food with crappy instant food.
Eat more salads and learn a few quicky, easy and tasty veggie recipes and then you won’t have gag down a shake with some nasty green powder. Look I tried it too, and then I admitted that I was a douchebag for blowing $30 on this gross supplement and I couldn’t kid myself into choking it down and nearly vomiting everyday.
And then I admitted that by comparison brocolli isn’t so bad, nor is kale, nor are any of the rest of the things they grind up, dehydrated and put into that crappy powder. And that yes, I could, indeed find time to eat my veggies.
RG, its not always that easy to get 12 servings of veggies per day.
Greens+ makes it very convenient.
To the OP… they sell greens+ in pill form.
it kinda tastes like cardboard unless you mix it with your protein.
the dose is a heaping teaspoon, 3 tablespoons is huge compared to that. must taste 3 times as bad as cardboard. i just choke it down with tea if not part of my protein shake.
the pills as mentioned are a good option. for other brands, watch out as some have quite the added sugar content.
I never tried Greens Plus, but I have tried other Greens drinks like perfect food greens. Anyways, have try mixing it with water and stevia or splenda. Thats what I do, and the taste is okay.
They all taste like grass…suck it up!
[quote]boonville410 wrote:
They all taste like grass…suck it up![/quote]
Exactly mix slam it and call it a day your wasting time and energy trying to make it friggin gourmet. Slam the damn crap and get er done
Has anyone tried the Greens and Protien mix. I think Biochem makes it. Not the greatest tasting stuff.
I can handle it straight.
Ive tried it with a little V-8 and it tastes great. I really like it with spicey V-8
Don’t breathe out of your nose, chug it down, eat something right after to cover the taste.
I use the capsules - the dosage is 12 a day, so I take 6 caps in the morning and 6 at night.
Why try and suffer through choking down the powder? Just use the capsules. 12 a day may sound like a lot but it really isn’t. Much easier…
the dose is a heaping teaspoon, 3 tablespoons is huge compared to that. must taste 3 times as bad as cardboard. i just choke it down with tea if not part of my protein shake.
oops. mine says 3 teaspoons per serve, I’ve cut it down to one per serve and just put a small amount of water and chug it!
I see this time after time.
I use mixed berry Greens+ and i ENJOY the flavour of it when i put a Tsp in my protein shakes.
[quote]canada wrote:
I see this time after time.
I use mixed berry Greens+ and i ENJOY the flavour of it when i put a Tsp in my protein shakes.[/quote]
I use it the same way. Except for the color, I hardly even notice its there.
I take a tablespoon of greens, dump it in my mouth and then take a swig of iced tea and swoosh it around and swallow. I find this much easier than sipping it down.
[quote]itsthenickman wrote:
I take a tablespoon of greens, dump it in my mouth and then take a swig of iced tea and swoosh it around and swallow. I find this much easier than sipping it down. [/quote]
that’s core.
i find they mix very well with Metabolic Drive and a tablespoon of macadamia oil. but lately i have been knocking it down first thing in the morning in half a glass of water. i’m not saying i enjoy the taste, but it doesn’t bother me anymore.