So, I am a big fan of Clen and T3 because it does it’s job and I’m already used to it. I use it about once a year when I do my cut.
I don’t have any health issues, but sometimes I’m worried. You know, when I think about that clen as well as t3 or others having an negative effect on my heart, I want to do everything to keep my heart as healthy and safe as possible. I know, I won’t be able to take things like clen without any damage.
Information about my supplements I currently take to stay as healthy as possible.
4g Omega 3 Oil
Vitamin and Mineral all in one
Apple cider vinegar
Maca powder
Vit C
Diet is on track, no junk food except on sundays where I cheat a little bit, but I have discipline!!
The maximum amount of Clen I ever took (and will) is 80mg/ day, I’m doing it 2wk on 2wk off, never longer than 6 weeks (so only 4 weeks on in total) and about T3, I start at 25mcg and step by step I go up to 75mcg, then back to 25mcg, no longer than 2 month.
I’m just curious what you guys do and I would appreciate your advice to keep your heart fit.
Btw, I do cardio daily and I check my pulse (140 - 160 when I’m active)
I have used T3, not clen. I was on prescribed T3, because of high RT3 (I kinda think it was a zealous Rx from a TRT clinic now). I did go higher at one point with it (75mcg). I don’t use it anymore. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze IMO.
I just don’t think it is worth it to get some abs for the summer, when I could walk on the treadmill for an extra 10 minutes which actually improves heart health.
Maybe you are trying to get crazy lean. If so ignore my post. I do think it has it’s place in combination with AAS for competitive bodybuilding.
I had heard horror stories about taking T3. That you might find yourself on it out of necessity, but it was just a rumor back in the day (‘70’ and '80’s)
The safest way to take Clen/T3 in regards to heart health is to take it… and throw it in the trash. Then keep yourself in a deficit a little longer to make up the ~10% difference it would have made.
Try 4mg of salbutamol/Albuterol 3 times a day along with 200mg of caffeine. You’ll reap all the benefits of clen without fucking up your heart. Unless you need to be stage ready in a matter of days/weeks.
Results: Both caffeine and albuterol enhanced lipolysis in cultured adipocytes. Acute treatment of humans with caffeine and/or albuterol increased resting metabolic rate. Longer-term studies of rats revealed a trend for increased metabolic rate with albuterol treatment. There was increased lean mass gain concurrent with decreased fat mass gain with caffeine/albuterol treatment that was greater than albuterol treatment alone. Conclusions: In rats, albuterol with caffeine produced significantly greater increases in lean body mass and reductions in fat mass without changes in food intake after 4-8 weeks of treatment. Since caffeine and albuterol are approved for the treatment of asthma in children and adolescents at the doses tested and change body composition without changing food intake, this combination may deserve further exploration for use in treating pediatric obesity
Edit: there’s a bunch of experiments done like the one above if you’re willing to Google it.
Well, since I tapper it out there is no problem. I do my bloodwork and after about 1.5 weeks my thyroid starts to work again, sometimes even better then before. Lol.
Nah when I’m doing HIIT. Well, I always try to stay at that range and I usually never have more than 170
. When I’m doing steady cardio it is more in 120 - 140 range. You should know that I’m doing cardio for years
Thats why im surprised about those numbers. I am also doing cardio for years and reachin 145 seems like impossible. Have you done echo for your heart? It seems to be working a bit heavy. I suggest you check the heart directly and if its ok, just enjoy the clen.
Yeah as I mentioned I checked my heart and it’s fine. I won’t stop taking clen, but maybe if I set a limit at 80mcg per day my heart will be fine with that. I know some kids with asthma and dome of them take more than I do. That doesn’t mean that their heart give a damn about it. I just want to stay as healthy as possible, even with the usage of drugs… i know that sounds weird. I only do clen once per year, so
For heart health but still using Clen and T3, I can give you a few suggestions.
Use Salbutamol (Albuterol) instead of Clen. The mechanism of action is the same but the half life is shorter so your heart gets rest at night. Take it two times a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon (3pm)
Use an Apple Watch or better a heart monitor to check for arrhythmia. That is a sign that it’s time to stop if you wanna live.
Have beta blockers on hand (for example bisoprolol or better nebivolol). Since T3 increases beta receptors and Clen activates them, you can deactivate both drugs influence on your heart with a betablocker. If you see excessive tachycardia or arrhythmia, use the smallest amount possible. Also when you buy them, buy the smallest dose possible.
Hey Lordgains, thanks. So, if I would take beta blockers, clen and T3 would still do their job (fat burning/ metabolism increase) but my heart would have some protection, do I understand that right? I only heard that if you take beta blockers, you don’t have to cycle clen and you could take it for weeks.
So, with beta blockers, it’s like when you using test and have arimidex on hand just in case you get the gyno, etc. Right?
How much mcg of the beta blocker would you suggest?
I have an apple watch and my resting bpm is between 58 and 62.
If you use nebivolol, you could theoretically use all 3 at the same time and have fat burning as well as a good amount of protection to the heart. Nebivolol is reasonably b1 receptor selective.
That is not the case for all other betablockers. All others are rather unselective and will therefore block all the effects from the clen and partly those of T3.
That is why I wrote: have betablockers on hand. If you are feeling unwell (chest pain, tightness in the chest area, pain in your left arm, arrhythmia, excessive tachycardia) then you pop one and you switch off the clen. Betablockers should be on hand for emergency use.
For bisoprolol I’d suggest 1.25 mg. (Not mcg!)
Do an EKG with it twice a day.
The most important tip I gave was actually number 1. Don’t use clen. It’s better to just use salbutamol which has studies for its fat burning effect and is way safer than clen. It’s also easy to get on the black market. I would not use clen. But hey, that’s your decision in the end.
I appreciate your advice, and thanks for the tips. So, I guess you convinced me and I’ll give salbutamol a try. I will get some Nebivolol just for the case and to be safe. So, for my next cutting cycle I will use salbutamol along with T3. Thanks!!
Also, to be honest, I’m new to salbutamol. How much would I need? Is 8mg per day ok? Like clen, should I take it all in one in the morning? Also, I just read that salbutamol also makes your heart beat faster, so is it a problem if I keep doing my cardio routine (see previos posts)? And I would do it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, that should be fine if I’m not wrong